Maya Bylina
{K:5925} 2/6/2005
Very lovely scene!
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 1/27/2005
Excellent colors and reflections, with the details being perfect! Great capture!
Marina Mishur
{K:625} 1/21/2005
How lovely! Combination of swans and winter sea is so exceptional! Composition is striking!I admire your skill.Marina. p.s thanks for sent photos.
Rita Boyko
{K:364} 1/20/2005
Na minskom more snyato :)
Anatoly Vasiltchenko
{K:-116} 1/20/2005
otlichno poluchilos! gde snyato?
yury z
{K:332} 1/19/2005
cool! bolshe treh ne sobiratsa!
Rita Boyko
{K:364} 1/19/2005
:) thanks, Craig :) maybe they were so surprised why outside so warm in mid. of Jan. :) unusually here..
Craig Hanson
{K:7836} 1/19/2005
Nice moment Rita! I wonder what they are discussing...
Dana Finchum
{K:2200} 1/19/2005
Nice, great composition and reflections.