David Tasker
{K:4281} 4/29/2007
I love the rule of thirds and I believe that the 3rds rule of composition will more often or not give you a better than ordinary image - but breaking the rule makes a lot of sense in so many intances - in this image it works for you because of the strong foreground object. If you look at http://www.usefilm.com/image/1003721.html - I have the reflection more or less smack in the middle - but in each of the left to right 3rds there are "features" so the 3rds rule is broken - but heck - what else could I do. Love your work.
Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 3/8/2005
really terrific perspective. nice to see someone really getting the camera down low. very engaging for the viewer!
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 1/24/2005
To hell with the rule - what is important is the comparison play between near and far elements. So far I have seen you stick to that pretty well for all your magnificent compositions.
Just some bare rules I have seen: - Good play and contrast between the near (details in the ground) and the distance. - Morning/Evening golden light and sidelighting - Wait for the clouds - Slow the motion down beyond 1s exposure to make it smoky - Graduated filters for overall great exposure.
I like this one, but if you were moderately OK using PS I probably would recommend spot masking to bring out a little more variation in tone and contrast. This would be an overall very subtle effect and damn near impossible to do by standard darkroom dodge and burn.
Oh - be sure to break that rule of thirds and go 50/50 on any water reflections as well...
Guy Dube
{K:6932} 1/24/2005
Patrick, you do very nice pictures, les couleurs sont terribles. Best regards Guy
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 1/22/2005
Wonderful place indeed, and incredible light and colors. The exception proves the rule... Central horizon is ok for me here
safak tortu
{K:2724} 1/22/2005
Woah what a nice shot..Exellent atmosphere and colous...
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 1/22/2005
The Zion Narrows - such a mystical place - you captured it well here - I like the low angle - getting close to the water.
Elsje Fiederelsje
{K:6320} 1/22/2005
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 1/22/2005
Excellent capture Patrick. The lighting and deapth are wonderful. I like the angle and position of the camera, very creative. Well done, Khaled.
Francesco Martini
{K:12249} 1/22/2005
excellent and suggestive image!!!!!!
Inji Amer
{K:22997} 1/22/2005
Beautiful colors & lightining . I am enjoying your portfolio. Regards Inji Amer
Ehdae (Abullha AL Hazza)
{K:4725} 1/22/2005
Wonderful color and balance, !very well done, regards