Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 5/16/2005
Nicely seen and realized. :) I love the perspective and textures here, and the courage to put this on its side - it's much more interesting as a wall than as a sidewalk. Very well done!
Onur Özbakan
{K:16763} 2/23/2005
you should have the dvd of the wall live in berlin, or better all dvds of PF and Roger Waters, each piece is wonderful, I am waiting for Pulse re-issue :)
michelle k.
{K:16270} 2/23/2005
YEAH!!!!! nice ...... by the way, my favorite movie ever, i've decided. was just listening to this last night! good tribute.
Onur Özbakan
{K:16763} 2/4/2005
i was standing straight while shooting, holding the camera in portrait position, but while looking at them on TV (in landscape position) my father, your Mustafa Amca, told that it interestingly looks like a wall, so i uploaded it as it is :)
Burak Serkan Yasar
{K:1225} 2/4/2005
very nice work my friend... I think I left many many memories in between these bricks :) i guess next time you'll be shooting when you're upside-down..
Tugce Gül Baran
{K:5115} 2/2/2005
Yes I remember this song Jetro Tull and Ian Anderson... I know it Onur know, its must have to be CD at home Genius Ezequiel :-)
Ezequiel Lozada
{K:17176} 2/1/2005
Great abstract made of bricks. Do you remember "Thick As A Brick", of Jethro Tull ? Nice. Ez
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/31/2005
Yes.....another brick in the wall! :) But wall? Hey - it?s road..... Cool and genial idea :)
Tugce Gül Baran
{K:5115} 1/28/2005
Süpersin abi sen ya...neyse ki bu yollara da yattik ama polarin yoktu üzerimde...:-) Cok etkilendigimi söylemeliyim bu fotograftan...:-) yersen
Pnar Yazicioglu
{K:7607} 1/28/2005
in METU no body likes to walk on the bricked part of that road and try to catch the smooth lines. and when two people are about to come across on that line, the competition is very tough; who is going to give up first!!! nice catch and perspective by the way regards Pinar
Özlem Yaman
{K:871} 1/28/2005
cok guzel ve ilginc bi calisma olmus tebrikler