sindhu rajaram
{K:724} 3/10/2005
gr8 detailing of his skin
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 3/5/2005
Ah, wonderful portraiture. Very well managed detail and tones. Nice contrast here, Larry. Thanks for your comment in my photo. I'm browsing your gallery and I found maybe we have the same interests so I added you to my friend list, if you don't mind...:) Cheers, Hanggan-Indonesia
{K:5880} 2/12/2005
Extraoridinary social portret! 7/7
Salvatore Rossignolo
{K:13559} 2/4/2005
What vision! Sal
Del Metheny
{K:25617} 2/3/2005
I love the true character you can see in that face. Very very well captured. I looked at several of your postings but this one stood out. Del.
Allen .
{K:-667} 2/2/2005
Such an emotive, powreful piece of work. A face with a thousand tales to tell. So very well captured!
Larry Monserate Piojo
{K:10780} 2/2/2005
Mark, Thank you so much for your comments. Maybe his situation just poured me with so much inspiration. rgrds, Larry M.P.
Mark Wlaz
{K:4564} 2/2/2005
Larry, One doesn't normally associate "textures" with portraits, but your very touching image of this gentleman, is also interesting for the textures... the weave in his straw hat, the weathered skin, his stubbled beard, and the pattern on his shirt. Nicely done. Mark
Larry Monserate Piojo
{K:10780} 2/2/2005
Thanks, Gary and Dave! Appreciate your comments very much!
Gary Prebble
{K:1168} 2/2/2005
Magnificent portrait; feeling jumps out at you. excellent work
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 2/2/2005
Another great shot of this man, Larry! Sorrowful, but I'm sure he can tell stories! Dave.