City - Madison State - WISCONSIN Country - United States
Another set of noses from the same shoot printed on a 5 foot stip of arista #3 rc. This was a fun series for me. I have been making work involving noses for over a year now, in photo, cermics, & printmaking.
Yeah I have a print oriented like this, but it's a different set, these are printed direct from a strip of 3 negatives and I really try not to chop them apart, I juts print them as they are.... I'll post more for this series when I have time. I have made about 15 big ceramic noses too! Help me, I'm obsessed.
I think this would be much more interesting seeing the larger print, but nice work and interesting idea. I almost think if the top image were to be printed facing the other direction, it would create a stronger composition with the negative space moving back and forth, but it's hard to say. Nice idea though and good work.