Arzu Tiraki
{K:1784} 2/19/2005
Wonderful shot! lovelly description of love...composition and colors are really good, congrulations
{K:21564} 2/15/2005
Sevgili Kemal, Kompozisyon olarak çok güzel... Soguk havda karlar arasinda siyah kedi olmasi sansina daha güzel olmus. Tebrikler, CAgatay
{K:4753} 2/8/2005
Bembeyaz karlarin icinde simsiyah bir kedi. Cok guzel gorunuyor. Tebrikler.
Orcun Kozluca
{K:3487} 2/8/2005
Muhtesem bir an yakalamissin. Tebrikler Kemal.
tony montana
{K:410} 2/7/2005
what an optimist picture?Congratulations Kemal to share this picture with us.Congratulations again
Angela Lynn
{K:1483} 2/7/2005
I love this, this tells a story, has emotion, and is so natural. You can see personality in the subjects in this, IMHO. Beautiful!
Kemal Kekeva
{K:3958} 2/7/2005
Thanks for your lovely comment,you are added to my friends list
. Icerock
{K:4873} 2/7/2005
When picture is telling a story it will catch me and this one did we need to take picture more often like this where live is happening, moving, showing emotion like this one, all about this picture is excellent, for me this is a masterpiece .. ir
Kemal Kekeva
{K:3958} 2/7/2005
Thx for your comment,I added you to my friend's list
Kat Apps
{K:1139} 2/7/2005
beautiful compostiton again, you capture shots so naturally and well. very good photo, well done again. I am a fan!
Kemal Kekeva
{K:3958} 2/7/2005
Thx for your comment,ı hope you give too much love:)).
Annemarie Cracknell
{K:61} 2/7/2005
my cat looks just like this one. nice pic