Mats Johnsson
{K:1881} 3/11/2005
Thanks Margaret. No Jonathan is almost 3 years now - but he is fine :) (same boy that is in the window picture) It is a old picture but it is also a favorite
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 3/10/2005
Your son of course if gorgeous, but putting that aside the composition etc. I like the original you posted but the one below 'Sweet Dreams - Arer Made of This' is an improvment, getting rid of that little bit of light, it is a lovely composition the colouring, lighting and I really like the way you put the title in. and Wow he is nearly a month old now, hope he is well Margaret
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 2/17/2005
Lovely photograph Mats and congratulations :-)
I do like the "Sweet dreams" version you have uploaded - it suits the photograph perfectly.
I also forgot to say ... a Huge welcome to Usefilm also :-)
Best wishes, Steve
Mats Johnsson
{K:1881} 2/15/2005
Thanks for your good comment. Yes Im more pleased with the "make over" as well.
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 2/15/2005
This is a precious capture of a precious subject! I love the curly little hairs on his head. He looks so peaceful and cozy, it makes me want to crawl back under the covers and snuggle in. What I like most about this besides the beautiful baby is the sweet pink skin tones against the soft yellow blankets. Your rendition with the text is therefore my favorite, as I think it improved when you cloned out the bright light.
Mats Johnsson
{K:1881} 2/14/2005
Thanks Judi
Yes the light up in the conor is abit disturbing, I have tryed to correct it whit the other one furder down.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 2/14/2005
Beautiful son. The only thing I don't like is the white glare above the rug...it is a little distracting from the main subject. Thankyou also Mats for your wonderful comment on my image.
Mats Johnsson
{K:1881} 2/13/2005
Thanks Eric He is 3 years in april -and not so still anymore ;)
Eric Hellsing
{K:1076} 2/13/2005
I really like the picture of your son! It's a very nice shot with a perfect lighting. My favourite version of the picture is the one where you have added the text "Sweet dreams...". Congratulations for your son, by the way! How old is he now?
Mats Johnsson
{K:1881} 2/13/2005
Well and another

Mats Johnsson
{K:1881} 2/13/2005
Made a change and I think it was better

Mats Johnsson
{K:1881} 2/12/2005
Thanks, I added you to - I did not think of it erlier but you have an Kodak 6490 as well. :)
What do you think of it ? Please, if you have the time and want to could you send a mail to me (bigboss@telia.com) about what you think of the camera pros and cons.
{K:42404} 2/12/2005
You have 3 wonderful pics my friend, congrats. PS: you already are in my friends list
Mats Johnsson
{K:1881} 2/12/2005
Yes I'm new here, and just stumled in here looking for pictures done by a camera I was thinking of buying. (same one Kelly using :) - hope I get just as nice pictures with it hehehe..)
Thena I got hocked and have set out 3 pictures just for fun.
This site realy is a source of inspiration...
{K:42404} 2/12/2005
hahahha!! You are great my friend , hey!! you dont say me if you are new in Usefilm
Mats Johnsson
{K:1881} 2/12/2005
Thanks Armando
Yes we are quite satisfied with him (as the others) but some days it feels like I could sell him cheap :)
{K:42404} 2/12/2005
What a lovely and perfect portrait of your son, he looks so delicate and beautiful, is a perfect creation from God, With your help for sure, hahahah!!!! congrats and greetings for your wife CONGRATULATIONS to both
Mats Johnsson
{K:1881} 2/12/2005
Thanx Marcus The light in the upper right coner is perhaps a bit to strong - but I din?t have any PSP or other program to alter it, so i put it out anyway (not sure if it had improved the picture or not...)
The light yellow tone in the skin was jaundice that he suned away two nights later :)
Mats Johnsson
{K:1881} 2/12/2005
Thanx Kelly, hehehe well I see what you mean. I have two girls and two boys and I think it will do so, but I would not be suprised if my whife would like another one :)
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 2/12/2005
This is beautiful, the lighting, tones and perspective are all perfect, what a beautiful new born. very well done, congratssss.
{K:20268} 2/12/2005
I LOVE IT..... sorry i can't critique you as i find it absolutly adorable.... ( and i'm no where near experienced either).... about the only thing wrong with it is that it makes me very clucky.... Husband wouldn't like that...lol... cheers kel no prob about the camera.... and no you hadn't said it before, although it wouldn't have mattered if you did... you have a gorgeous son... how many do you have? i have three girls.......lol.... yes i know..... i'm in trouble !!!!