Alison Stroebel
{K:4069} 3/29/2005
Eric I love this photo. Beautiful. Left by fairy folk. :-) Perfect and precious.
Teresa Moore
{K:11063} 2/17/2005
It doesn't get any sweeter than this.
Lodovico Ludoni
{K:5210} 2/16/2005
Sweet Philip, welcome with us in this wonderful world! Congrats to the father! Reagards from Rome. Lodovico
Eric Hellsing
{K:1076} 2/16/2005
Thanks to all of you for your kind comments and congratulations! My son Philip has grown a bit since this picture was taken and he is now 15 months old.
Mats Johnsson
{K:1881} 2/16/2005
Congratulations - how old are he ? He looks safe in his new world - whish you all the best.
Keyla Duarte
{K:1285} 2/16/2005
Very cute... Congrats!!! Tks for your comment on my picture "Hey, I?m here!!!". I really appreciated it... Regards, Keyla
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 2/16/2005
congratulations, very sweet!
Robert Lloyd
{K:9943} 2/16/2005
so cute i love the little hat well done best wishes robert
carla slaviero
{K:4824} 2/16/2005
troppo carino questo cucciolo!!! Bella la foto, ma soprattutto il bimbo! Tanti auguri! carla