Abdelrahman Elwassimy
{K:3707} 5/20/2006
wonderful shot mr.ahmed:) great reflection and great lightings! also very nice tones! thnxx so much for ur comments:) i'll try hard to come insha2ala but not sure coz my exams are after 7 days,if i couldnt come i'll see u for sure in the vacation insha2ala:)and insha2ala shaimaa can go for both of us:)take care and thnx again my dear friend:)
ahmed saied
{K:8734} 2/19/2005
Yes , on the left Samiramis intercontinental , and Helnan Shepard to the right , Dear ,U are always welcome
Inji Amer
{K:22997} 2/19/2005
Very nice night shot Ahmed & very nice colors Thas is Inter continental ( Samiramis ) in the leftside I think ,It remineds me with the beautiful summer holidays :) Thank you so much Ahmed for adding me to your friends list , It's a pleasure to me .
Inji Amer
ahmed saied
{K:8734} 2/19/2005
thank U for your nice comment
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 2/18/2005
Cairo by night :0) Wonderful nightshot Ahmed, excellent exposure and lighting. I like the golden light reflections on the water. Great work Ahmed, Khaled.
Roberto Baez Duarte
{K:5317} 2/18/2005
fantastic night light with reflexion on the river. very good. roberto