Mario Bedolla
{K:459} 7/12/2005
Muy buena Foto Felipe.
tu portafolio es realmente UNICO.
saldos desde Mexico.
Dusan Zutinic
{K:2847} 3/5/2005
What else to say except GREAT
regards (Serbia)
Felipe Rodríguez
{K:9200} 2/25/2005
Gracias, Romy, por tus amables palabras.
Tienes razón en lo del IR. Había un cielo y una intensa luz perfectas para esa clase de fotografía, pero sucede que la Canon 1D MarkII es bastante mediocre en este aspecto, tiene un filtro incorporado muy potente que la hace muy poco sensible a esa parte del espectro, así que hay que recurrir a exposiciones muy largas y las fotos salen sin nitidez ni contraste ninguno (eso se traduce en imágenes más limpias, por otro lado, cuando no se practica la fotografía IR, que es casi siempre).
Saludos desde Sevilla.
Felipe Rodríguez
{K:9200} 2/25/2005
Ole (or olé) means "Bravo!", "Well done!", "Very good" or so. It is specially used to applaud bullfighters and artists (singers, for example). So it's a nice name, both in your language and in Spanish! Regards!
Romy Fabian Garmaz
{K:17105} 2/25/2005
Felipe. has logrado una muy bella perspectiva con esta foto, que colores y tonos. Es una bella imagen como para haber experimentado con algun filtro infrarojo. Saludos desde Argentina. Romy
Ole Rasmussen
{K:1368} 2/25/2005
Well, I don't know what my name means in Spanish, but I would like to know :)
Felipe Rodríguez
{K:9200} 2/25/2005
thanks, Ole (BTW, I don't know if you are aware of what your name would mean here in Spain). I had already converted it to B&W, but your edition is just superb, better than mine, for sure.
Ole Rasmussen
{K:1368} 2/25/2005
Beautiful picture, like it very much. I just played around with it, the photo has much potiential, what do you think? 7+

no longer a member
{K:10557} 2/25/2005
Brilliant colors and very sharp. Good perspective. Great job!
Adelino Barreto
{K:12661} 2/24/2005
Muito boa! Parabens. Adelino
Judy Bodden
{K:1694} 2/24/2005
Wow! Love everything about this picture.
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 2/24/2005
Fantastic ! The low landscape and the huge sky are impressive !! Peter
Marek Krol
{K:9791} 2/24/2005
Why o why is it not vertically oriented?!
Robert Höhne
{K:4290} 2/24/2005
Georgeous colours and sky
Tiffany .
{K:343} 2/24/2005
wonderful Image - like painted beautiful regards Tiffany
dave green
{K:2396} 2/24/2005
Colours are stunning, the sky!!!! is amazing such DOF seems to jump out of the shot.
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 2/24/2005
Excellent composition Felipe!! Very beautiful landscape! 7/7 Congrats! Roberto.
Keyla Duarte
{K:1285} 2/24/2005
Beautiful landscape! Congrats! Best wishes, Keyla