Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 3/6/2005
These two shots are great, looks like you and that lens are suiting each other Margaret
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 2/26/2005
Can't help you out with the species, Angela, the nearest book to hand is all Manitoba birds, but it's a great shot, nonetheless! Thanks for your comments! Dave.
Angela Fox
{K:660} 2/25/2005
Okay, I've had a good look and the one that resembles them the most is the American Goldfinch. I guess they have winter and summer colours. Less colourful in winter of course. If anyone can confirm this, it would be appreciated!
Angela Fox
{K:660} 2/25/2005
Thanks Den, I live in southern Ontario. I'll have to do some research on my own to see if I can identify it. One of these days, I'm going to buy one of those amazing bird books so I can do some serious "bird watching". :)
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 2/25/2005
Sorry, can't help with ID Angela but wanted to say what fabulous shot this is. That Canon lens is quite a cool piece of kit and gives some remarkable results. Well captured. Where in Canada was it taken? Den
M. M
{K:1070} 2/25/2005
Very nice shot!!!