hanieh eslmieh
{K:180} 4/3/2008
aks bazi va namayashe bsiar jalebi ra az bazi noor va saye ra neshan midahad be tori ke ensan ke kamelan zede noor gharar gherefte ast tire , saye kamel darad va zamin ke por az barf ast,ke dar ghesmat haye ke noor kafi be aan nareside tashkil nim saye dadde ast va dar ghesmat haye ke noor kale khorde ast,kamelan roshan shode ast. dar inja mitavan enteghadi ra az akas nemood,ke agar khorshid dar yeki az noghat talaye balaye kadr gharar migereft aks zibaye bishatari ra az khod neshan midad. dar akas be vasile tazadi ke az noor va saye be vojood avarde ast jazabiate khasi ra be aks bakhshide ast khosoosan dar ghesmati ke tape ha marz beyene aseman va zamin ra moshakhas karde ast jazabiate khasi ra be aks bakhshide ast.
Zara Hajaig
{K:1143} 11/1/2005
inspiring photo indeed!
Bill Voizin
{K:78} 4/20/2005
Nice to meet you in such a wonderful composition Ali. Beautiful imagery! Thanks for the visit to my "garden". Regards--Bill Voizin
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 4/8/2005
This is a neat idea. Mary -
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 3/15/2005
Hi Leah, Thanks for your nice comments :)
Leah Kahn
{K:878} 3/15/2005
ALI, I really enjoyed looking through your portfolio. This is one of my favorites although there are many, keep shooting! :-) Leah
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 3/7/2005
Thanks Maya ! :)
Maya Bylina
{K:5925} 3/7/2005
Beautiful image with great colors
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 3/6/2005
Defenitly right for the magic light catagory. I love how you have positioned yourself in the photo as if greeting the sunset/sunrise. The tones are very beautiful. Alison
Czeslav Gavinkovski
{K:6800} 3/4/2005
Very good photo.Nice colours and tones.Bravo! C.G.
Marc Fontannaz
{K:2887} 3/3/2005
Excellente composition, j'aime beaucoup cette photo, couleurs très particulières, ambiance très bonne. Bravo !
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 3/3/2005
Thanks for your Comment and nice words Cessy !!
cessy karina
{K:14205} 3/3/2005
nice self portrait Ali, like the pose and the background. you have excellent portfolio cessy
Kosti 7even
{K:6328} 3/1/2005
nice ali! whirling free under a setting (?) sun. soft colours and your silhouette in shadowed blackness fit wonderfully together; great!
Masoud Dehghan
{K:14} 2/27/2005
Dazzling in sun,What I inspire of this shot.
Tony Quinlan
{K:2094} 2/27/2005
Nice. Well executed.
Elahe S. Ahmadian
{K:8695} 2/27/2005
dear ali, good shot, i like the sense of freedom in your picture, dramatic colors too, there are many good photos in your profile.