Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 10/1/2005
Dear Baha I like this shot .because it is for me a good reminder , With best wish Babak
Samuel Downs
{K:7290} 8/14/2005
Hi Baha, Thanks for your thoughtful comments. I like your work on the philosophical... This blury image, with its splash of fire-hot color, adds to a dreamy sense and feel. It reinforces the 'seen' / 'unseen' relationship of nature. Cheers! Sam
M. Hudgin
{K:209} 2/28/2005
Yes, I can smell it! I'm getting hungry too...
Mahmoud Baha Sadri
{K:19634} 2/28/2005
Mahmoud Baha Sadri
{K:19634} 2/28/2005
in my opinion ,with which i don't think you would disagree, all five scenses need stimulation. i hope,at dinner, you've given your taste buds a good one !! Baha
Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 2/28/2005
Looks like Indian tandoori bread. Not a good time to be viewing this as I have not eaten anything today and it's almost dinner time. :-)
Matt Mitchel
{K:3149} 2/27/2005
I like the glow of the brick oven and that bread is making me hungry:):)