City - Badlands NP State - SD Country - United States
taken at badlands NP, on my cross country trip a while back, i liked this one because of the depth of feild from forground to background, let me know if i could do anything to make this image better????
kevin, yeah, this is from my 3 1/2 month cross country trip that i was fortunate to go on, i was using my old film body, canon eos elan 2 E with a canon lens and a cir pol... i enhanced the color after i got the neg's scanned at a low res for cheap, im still trying to find a way to scan all my negs at a good res for a reasonable budget.... drum scanning is just so pricey
This is very pretty. The colors are great, contrasting orange and blue. I like how you've focused on cracks in the dirt, they are great patterns and are really prominent in the shot.