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Image Title:  Regrets
Favorites: 2 
 By: Lara dos Santos  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Lara dos Santos {Karma:1578}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon 300D
Categories Photoart
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Canon  100 mm f/2 USM
Uploaded 3/10/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 878 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 25 Rating
/ 10 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Netherlands   Netherlands
About Information added by upload: I couldn't think of a suitable title, so I just left it nameless.
Edited with photoshop, me in the picture.

Information added by editing: After uploading this picture, Larry Monserate Piojo left this comment, and I totally agree that Regrets is a great title.
His comment was chosen featured critique of the day.
'Oh by the way, I think "Regrets" would be a good title for that. Regret because as I look at her, she seemed to be walking away from that black space and suddenly turned back. She might have some thoughts in her so she walked away and suddenly came to realize her mistake but too late to return. Her eyes somehow speaks sorry and regrets. ....hmmmm... and that is just my imagination!!!'
Thank you for your great comment Larry!
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dos Santos




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There are 25 Comments in 1 Pages
Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 10/25/2005
Regrets... don't get trapped by them.


Lara dos Santos   {K:1578} 8/13/2005
Thank you!


Joe Ciccone Joe Ciccone   {K:3684} 8/13/2005
great look


Angelo Villaschi Angelo Villaschi   {K:49617} 6/3/2005
A haunting and ghostly portrait, Lara. She definitely seems to regret... either leaving or having been there.

Once again, nice b&w work. Great picture-taking skills too, capturing the person in the right part of the frame and with nice motion blur. Well lit, also.


Ian Crean   {K:14866} 6/2/2005
My immediate impression is of someone being stalked, the stalker of course mysterious not seen in the darkness, yet he (she) knows everything about you. Well it's another interpretation anyway, and would make a good book cover for such a theme, or indeed the Regrets theme. Also put me in mind of Wuthering Heights.
Interesting work you are doing and different styles of self portrait, always hard to do. Thanks your kind comment too Lara, Ian


Stefano Pistis   {K:846} 4/5/2005
nice I like it


Andrea Biscosi   {K:5387} 3/18/2005
Excellent portrait


Dirk Noort Dirk Noort   {K:9683} 3/18/2005
Great portrait! a little different from the ordinary.
Thanks for your comment.


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 3/17/2005
Great title, Lara, and I think your photograph evokes that feeling, with the softeness and composition.
Thanks for your comments!


Davide Bressanello Davide Bressanello   {K:3103} 3/17/2005
very nice, you are going out of the picture, but you still looking back, good composition and good shooted!


alberto baez duarte alberto baez duarte   {K:8175} 3/16/2005
very interesting scene in this picture...the contrast between her face in white color and the blacks sorrounding are very nice....
excellent picture...congratulations...


Lara dos Santos   {K:1578} 3/14/2005
Hahaha, now I know someone's really following me I'll sure try harder
I was just looking to your pictures, and I thought I already did before but apparently I didn't, cause I'd sure remember this photo's. They're absolutely amazing!


Larry Monserate Piojo Larry Monserate Piojo   {K:10780} 3/14/2005
I love you too! Love your works really! And No, It's you who made yourself famous! You have an impressive portfolio! And many sure like them like I do! I didn't even thought that that comment would be featured and didnt even know until a friend here in UF informed me! :)

I think I'll follow your works from here.. keep me amaze! :)

take care always!
athrio (larry)


Curtis Feather   {K:5130} 3/13/2005
thanks for the comment. interesting shot here. the blur effect and the looking over the shoulder combine to add a sense of looking back into the past, or 'regret'. very nice title with this piece.


Lara dos Santos   {K:1578} 3/12/2005
I'm also very thankful for Larry's comment!
Thank you for your nice comment! And also a nice day for you.. :)


Lara dos Santos   {K:1578} 3/12/2005
I love you! Your comment made me 'famous'! The first thing I said reading your comment, I didn't know it was featured comment of the day yet, was: 'Yes! Regrets is a perfect title!' So the first thing I'm gonna do after finishing this reply is find out if I can change the title into Regrets.
Thank you so much for your comments, I love them!


E l e n. K.   {K:152} 3/11/2005
Very interesting and unusuall work.


Erik Neldner Erik Neldner   {K:10846} 3/11/2005
Beautiful image. There is so much energy in the "motion" here.


Paulo Vinícius   {K:2657} 3/11/2005
good tones and well dine composition


First Last First Last   {K:6897} 3/11/2005
Great shot! The first title that came up to my mind was something related to "fear"... becaus this looks like a "fear" expression...

Very nice shot. Regards...


sindhu rajaram   {K:724} 3/11/2005
good 1 ... like d attitude


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/11/2005
Hi Lara.. welcome, and today i have discovered a new photographer!
just and thanks at the larry's comment.. so good and so a great imagination!
nice frame and emotion..
my best congarst and have a good day!


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 3/11/2005
I think this is the best so far...but there's plenty more 'free film' where that came from, so keep shooting!!


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 3/11/2005
Very dramatic and pensive, with the combined motion and you looking over your shoulder, Lara.

Very nice.
What was the shutter speed?


Larry Monserate Piojo Larry Monserate Piojo   {K:10780} 3/11/2005
Imageopolis Featured Photo Critique Hi Lara,
I love what you did in your portrait. The blurry adds mystery to the photo and the wide black backrground on the left is really a mystery to solve. Ive seen your works in your portfolio and I love them all! You have such a wonderful talent! I know you'll make it Big in photography! Keep it up! I adore you! :)

Oh by the way, I think "Regrets" would be a good title for that. Regret because as I look at her, she seemed to be walking away from that black space and suddenly turned back. She might have some thoughts in her so she walked away and suddenly came to realize her mistake but too late to return. Her eyes somehow speaks sorry and regrets. ....hmmmm... and that is just my imagination!!! ehehehe

athrio (larry)




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