Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 3/20/2005
I remember looking at it and it was 1/1850 at 5.6 I believe. I was shocked at how noise free it was.
Brenda Guiles
{K:6128} 3/20/2005
WOW Jim this is a nice clean image considering you have the ISO set high. I would have loved to have seen what it looked like with an ISO of say 400 and do the comparing. This is a beautiful image my friend. I guess the ISO could make all the difference in the world. Just curious though, what was the shutter speed? :)
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 3/15/2005
Wow Jim, this is wonderful. Didn't think it would look this good. The light is really nice. Nice one for a sleep deprived fellow. Don.
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 3/15/2005
Wonderful close up of this beautiful fellow. Dottie
Sue O'S
{K:12878} 3/14/2005
Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to confuse the issue; I know this wasn't using the extender. Whenever I see your name on a photo, I think about the idea you planted in my head of getting one.
And of course, the green envy lingers in my heart about that 70-200! ;-)
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 3/14/2005
I got the 1.4 Canon, Word is that the 2.o isn't as sharp. this photo however was taken with the 70-200 at 200 and no converter. It was like f5.6 at 1/1800 ! I was dumbstruck when I saw your 3200 photo ;-) kewl ! jc
Sue O'S
{K:12878} 3/14/2005
Jim! Welcome to the "H" club! hee hee hee
VERY nice image! Isn't the 20D wonderful?!? It's not the camera, it's the photographer; however it's nice to have great equipment, too!
And I'm still dying of envy of that lens of yours!!! And what teleconverter did you get? Canon or aftermarket? I bought a prime 200mm L lens but I think I'm going to get an extender.
Sue O'S
{K:12878} 3/14/2005
Hey, James! The 10D is supposed to have a pretty agile ISO, too! Give it a shot.
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 3/14/2005
Phenomenal clarity at that setting Jim, and a cute subject to boot. Well done, not only for the shot but getting up & out at that time. I thought they only had those times afternoon and evening. Den
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 3/14/2005
Just amazing given the light conditions, Jim!! Best regards, Chris
Andy Simmons
{K:7704} 3/14/2005
Good shot at 3200 ISO. The early morning light falls nicely across the front of the deer. I would crop this a little closer on the left side; too bad her front hooves are cut off by the hilly landscape. Well done.
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 3/14/2005
3200 iso, incredible.
Jimmy Payne
{K:21163} 3/14/2005
O.K. this shot of yours does, Jim. I'm going to 3200 on my camera too. Now if I can just get up before the crack of dawn.:-) Amazing shot at that speed. Thanks for posting this.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 3/14/2005
That's a beautiful capture, Jim, especially considering the ISO setting! Dave.
James Bambery
{K:13421} 3/14/2005
Very nice,almost noiseless pic Jim. I have had it in my mind that I wont shoot any other ISO except 100 because of noise. Maybe I will have to try and experiment a little. I can be stubborn at times and would rather miss the shot than change the ISO. Hmmm. Well done.
Jim Bambery
Gene Zonis
{K:6949} 3/14/2005
A very clean image for 3200. Good composition also.