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Image Title:  Want me?
Favorites: 3 
 By: ppdix   
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer ppdix   ppdix   {Karma:17069}
Project #47 Richard Avedon Camera Model Canon EOS 1D Mark II
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Black + White
Personal Style
Lens Canon 50mm USM F1.4
Uploaded 3/20/2005 Film / Memory Type 2GB 52X Pro Compact Flash Card
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1414 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/2.0
Critiques 29 Rating
/ 13 Ratings
Location City -  Miami Design District
State -  FLORIDA
Country - United States   United States
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There are 29 Comments in 1 Pages
Arton Humolli (R-ton)   {K:1853} 2/3/2006


Lucas L   {K:12145} 3/23/2005
wowww...absolutly favorite!!!


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 3/22/2005
It's not sad, Dan



Daniel Bard   {K:627} 3/22/2005
you know what the sad thing is i do want her. if she asked me i would say yes like any other man but i think i would just stair at her looking at her eye's the way she presents her self must be like a girl next door look kinda thing.


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 3/21/2005
I thought so, cool.....(he's a bit better looking then me but no big deal - I'm 2 inches taller so it all balances).......


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 3/20/2005
Yeah... Sure...


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 3/20/2005
Yeah, chicks dig him, right?


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 3/20/2005
Danny De Vito huh?

Everything starts to make sense now...


Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 3/20/2005
this is excellent.


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 3/20/2005
As soon as I get my 6 pack abs back to top notch shape (training 4 hours a day right now - except Sundays) it's gonna be shirtless of course (I kinda have a Danny De Vito thing goin'). BFD? Benjamin Franklin's Dead...I think that's what it stands for....... ;^)..... (you got me hooked on that face - me and the boys are gonna graffiti that on the Metro line train cars tonight - watch for it on the news)


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 3/20/2005

Back from the Dead?

Backed Fresh Daily?

Baltimore Fire Department?

Basic File Directory?


I always get disconnected... well sometimes... I also get very connected.. so much a bucket of cold water couldn't disconnect me... But then again. I said it before. I am a photographer sometimes, but always a man...



Hey... when are we gonna see a self portrait from this millennium? It would be a treat...


Takeshi Kaga   {K:522} 3/20/2005
yes yes yes!
i don't agree, she don't look cheap, she is beautifull and sexual and she can get what she want.



Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 3/20/2005
See Peep's, even Fadel is saying kinda the same thing about the butt. And,IMO, forget about titles, I'm not saying don't use them, i'm just saying they shouldn't be an extention of what you're trying to convey. The photo should do that 100% on it's own. As far as standing 2 feet away from her....SO what, She's just another girl - BFD, if she's effecting you sexually while you're shooting her that's not good - and if that's happening that's why sometimes you miss that last 1% in small details. You're creating the illusion / fantasy but you're not suppose to get involved with it (at least while you're working) and YOU KNOW THAT. Every good photographer I know always disconnects from their subject on alot of levels - be it nudes, a child starving in Africa, or a War shot. The comic doesn't laugh at his own jokes and the magician doesn't get fascinated by his own tricks ;^) PS. of course you disagree with David, you wouldn't be "The Peepster's" if you did agree with him - it's not in your DNA. (no hard fellings - I gave it a 6 - 1 down for the bad butt lighting)


Twisted  Rich   {K:691} 3/20/2005
I agree with you ppdix, this photo is shot at the perfect angle and is not too direct. It reminds me of shots I see in major magazines like Maxum, Stuff and FHM. I think the model, the lighting, the pose, everything is right with this one. Just my 2cents.....RjS


PIERRE THOMAS karkau   {K:2031} 3/20/2005


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 3/20/2005
Hi ppdix, I think her eyes and the top part of her body were enough to deliver you message, and the rest distracts and gives a cheap feeling to it.


Tyler Robbins   {K:904} 3/20/2005
mmm...hmmm do i ever


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 3/20/2005
Hmmm....better be good.



ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 3/20/2005
Relax, Sheila...

Wait till tomorrow to see the next picture in the series... That will answer your question.



ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 3/20/2005
this one's not about the a$$ but about the eyes... u can't ask someone if they want u and not have eye contact.
As far as the directness of the pose... I think David and u should try to imagine, or remember, what is like to have a girl like her 2 feet away. For u it might be too direct, for me, it is playing hard to get... but then again, that's the way I like it.


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 3/20/2005
Hey, that's no answer. That's cheating the question....!!




ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 3/20/2005



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 3/20/2005
Ooooh...she certainly has that look in her eye. But did she get what she wanted....that is the question?



ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 3/20/2005
hi Dave, thanx for your comment, but i don't agree with your assessment.

The title is "Want Me?", not "Take me!" She is inviting, not commanding. Look at her sexy, yet submissive expression...
I believe this is the sight i would like to see when i get home from a long day at work... It's not too direct, she is not naked, so there is your prelude. makes u wanna undress her slowly... very slowly... it could easily take hours!



Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 3/20/2005
Wow, David's comments are probably the best i've ever read on one of your shots - he's got a very good point and I WOULD LISTEN. anyway Peepster's, back to some quality work I see and away from the silly flower stuff. I like this shot alot BUT (there's that BUT again) the one thing I would do different is put some fill light on her butt. I find that dark shadow somewhat distracting. Now just to be clear I said fill - that doesn't mean to blast her a** with light. A pretty face and beautiful black hair - would work more with this one Peep's.......don't let her slip into the night.


David Scherer   {K:309} 3/20/2005
Most guys would answer yes. But I would say not yet. The shot is too revealing to be truly alluring. The best shots that bring men to thier knees are ones where everything is implied but never declared. It's a cat and mouse game where you have to use your creative imagination to finish the picture for yourself.

Please don't mind as I explain a bit about this. In this picture, there is no game, no cat and mouse, no beating around the bush that makes for an amusing and exciting prelude. It's direct and there is no mistaking the message.

If you work with angles where the essential piece of the puzle is missing yet implied, then people have to finish the picture themselves. This creates a very euphoric tensions because an important piece is missing, yet due to it's importance, someone is willing to go to any lengths to discover it, even if that is within thier own mind.

Good shot though. The angles are direct but effective.


V T   {K:1921} 3/20/2005
nice b... and tattooo... and photo too... technically speaking, excellent picture...


Vadim Melamedov   {K:1466} 3/20/2005
I second that:)


Mark Beltran   {K:32612} 3/20/2005
Yes. Just following my genetic programming.




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