Larry Hammond
{K:16631} 3/22/2005
Indeed George.....LOL
Todd Miller
{K:16464} 3/22/2005
nice shot...pardon the pun. todd
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 3/22/2005
Ah que c'est drôle... drilan
Raf D
{K:9223} 3/21/2005
I guess there's art everywhere we look :) -- Rafael
Mark Sherman
{K:15669} 3/21/2005
Mr. Clean will be calling for references.
George Black
{K:102014} 3/20/2005
Thanks, Antonio. Perhaps you are right. But what can I say? It was a very informal moment . . . ;-) --g
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 3/20/2005
concentrating on iron piece without the disturbing white fragments on the bottom and a straight on perspective could be of help
George Black
{K:102014} 3/20/2005
Paul--Everything is fluid right now.
Paul Boocock
{K:8314} 3/20/2005
Nice bit of plumbing George, if it's a new career for you then I'm sure you'll be flushed with success!
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 3/20/2005
Interesante, me gusta su espíritu tan jovial
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 3/20/2005
Makes an interesting piece of industrial artwork
{K:12969} 3/20/2005
I?ve no comment either? ;-))))