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20 MPH
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 By: Robert Delgadillo  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Robert Delgadillo  Robert Delgadillo {Karma:3509}
Project #45 Blurry Image Camera Model Fuji Finepix F410
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Autos
Lens std
Uploaded 3/21/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital X-D 256
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 444 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 9 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City -  Hollywood
Country - United States   United States
About Don't try this at home. I took this while driving home one night. I was experimenting with differnt settings on my camera for night photos.
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There are 9 Comments in 1 Pages
Gabriele Bullita Gabriele Bullita   {K:1235} 6/15/2005
Original idea and a great result!
Regards, Gabriele


Robert Delgadillo Robert Delgadillo   {K:3509} 6/1/2005
Welcome to USEFILM. Judging from your first Image you'll be getting a lot more good reviews. Getting shots of dashboards at night while driving in L.A. traffic is hazardous and not recommended. I do have an image of a rainy night of my rear view mirror with traffic bearing down on me that will be posting soon. You welcome to come back any time.


Veerle Vercauteren   {K:103} 6/1/2005
ha! thanks for leaving your nice comment Bob, only 5 minutes after I had signed up and only have 1 pic posted :)

hey - I have always wanted to do a series on dashboards - I like yours as it is vibrant and graphical - you should do some more of these


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 5/24/2005
As we know eeach other by now, I would like to suggest that we do awy with formalities and switch to first names. I, as you already know, am Rafi and as you signed with Bob, I'll refer to you this way unless you object.
Thank you for your very encouraging wards about my being an artist.
Best regards


Robert Delgadillo Robert Delgadillo   {K:3509} 5/23/2005
Being an artist is a state of mind. An artist creates something that is greater than the sum of its parts. An artist interprets the world around him and pushes the limits of his medium to express that interpretation. Your images are not just the capturing of beautiful objects but tell a story of what you saw. The fact that you are not a professional artist only means that you do not get paid for your work. So, for now, you are an amateur artist photographer. I enjoy your thought provoking images and exploration of the medium.


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 5/23/2005
Dear Mr. Delgadillo,
You're referring to me as an artist is a great compliment for me, as I am not one, at least not by profession.
Some people, myself included, refer to psychotherapy as an art, and I called a book I wrote on the subject "Dialogues with Schizophrenia - the Art of Psychotherepy", but unless you would send me your e mail address to
and want me to send you the book at no cost to you (1.02 MB), that is beside the point. In photography I am merely an amateur.
Best regars,
Rafi Springmann


Robert Delgadillo Robert Delgadillo   {K:3509} 5/22/2005
Rafael, I have limited my portfolio to one page. To those that have the highest views and my personal favorites. It often seems that the images that are take without much plan or forethought become my favorites. My accidents are more intersting!? I am now in the collecting stage, building a database of images that I can use with editing programs to create new images as an artist not just a picture taker or image recorder (although there is nothing wrong with that), in a simular way you have with your work. You are an artist and photography is your medium. I hope you will come back and feel free to comment on any level you wish whether it is technical or artistic.


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 5/21/2005
This is our first, but hopefully not last meeting on the pages of "Usefilm", Mr. delgadillo. I read your bio and could not agre with you more and went through your portfolio twice. The latter was not too diificult, because there was only one page and yet difficult because the photos on it were all good ones. I finally settled on this one to comment on because behind its relative simplicity it was was so beautiful that I could hardly take my eyes off it. Simplicity, I've been told more than once, is one of the secrets of beauty in art. Way far back I posted a similar photo, which showed only the digital clock on the dash-board of my car and yet I think that it was appreciated.
You are, of course, invited to read my bio and pay further visits to my portfolio.
In the meantime, I thank you for your very generous comment on my "In Monet's garden 1."
Best regards,
Dr. Rafael (Rafi for future communications) Springmann


Mark Sherman   {K:15669} 5/17/2005
LOL !!




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