J Dillon
{K:1426} 5/7/2005
Thanks Ted, she has played with a number of groups over the years. She does mostly solo work on upscale cruise lines now. here's her website www.salima.biz
Ted kane
{K:49} 5/7/2005
Great shot. What orchestra or band does she play oboe with?
Richard Dakin
{K:12915} 4/11/2005
Websites are beyond me right now. I am lucky to be able to sell my stuff in galleries. Next year I will likely pay someone to design a site for me. Since I work part-time (as a staff photographer) for a web design company maybe I can get a deal!!!!
J Dillon
{K:1426} 4/11/2005
thanks Richard for the compliments on the site. i'm still trying to figure out how to make it easier to figure out that the drop down numbers are pictures in a series... seems that people mostly just click the dots and don't go to each image.
Richard Dakin
{K:12915} 4/11/2005
Checked out your website ..... very impressive. And I agree with you about your film choice, it worked much better than the XP2
Vikas Dutt
{K:1255} 3/22/2005
great work
Jim Gamble
{K:12164} 3/22/2005
Great portrait. Pushing Scala really helped bring out the contrast. Jim Gamble
J Dillon
{K:1426} 3/22/2005
Thanks Richard.. i was pretty happy with the way the blacks turned out without detail.. here's a comparison of XP2 exposed correctly. i think i like the stronger contrast and deep black much better for this shot. Thanks again for your kind words.
Richard Dakin
{K:12915} 3/22/2005
Your decision to "push" this film has really worked. Wonderful blacks and grays, great composition. Congrats.
Angela Freed
{K:10061} 3/22/2005
Love the shot with the instrument. I had not thought of doing that yet and have two children who play.