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Another sad view
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Image Title:  Another sad view
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 By: Timothy R  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Timothy R {Karma:3028}
Project N/A Camera Model Sony Cybershot
Categories Journalism
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Attached
Uploaded 3/23/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 424 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 8 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Milwaukee
Country - United States   United States
About Another view of the protest on Saturday March 19th, marking the 2nd anniversary of the start of the war and Occupation of Iraq, and honoring the war dead from Wisconsin
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There are 8 Comments in 1 Pages
Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 3/24/2006

Thank you for your well thought out reply to my comment. I respect your opionion very much and I would give my life to protect your right to that opionion and your protests...

My very best to you and yours,



Timothy R   {K:3028} 3/24/2006
You may believe that there was a Jesus and that he was a saviour. You may also belive that this war was worth while, but respectfully I disagree with you on all the above points. As we enter this the fourth year of the war in Iraq we know that there were no WMD's, no attempts to build nuclear bombs, never a connection to 9/11 and while there were civil rights abuses, our government, the one that is supposed to be made of you and me, continues to impose those abuses upon prisoners of this war.

So, I am one of those who do not await for some future visit for a Christ who will make a change, I am working to make change now.

Your emotions were perhaps stirred, and I am happy to have done that for you. But look deep inside yourself and see if perhaps Jesus would have been unhappy with someone who used lies and untruths and mis-information to lead thousands of people to their deaths. I leave that judgement to the one who judges. I cannot do that. I can only attest that what I see, we should not have attacked, and our actions have caused more problems than solved.

I love my country, I am an American, and thus I can protest. Don't tell me to leave. That's not the American way. This country was founded on the right of the people to peacefully assemble for a redress of grevances. That means protest.

Yes, Men and Women of Honor and Courage. Who gave all. And followed orders. Their legacy, their willingness to follow those order means we ought never send any person into a way we are not sure we need to fight.


Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 3/15/2006

What a wonderful example of contrast indeed. On one hand you have “Men and Women with Honor and Courage” which gave their lives for Freedom. On the other hand you have certain individuals without honor, or courage protesting against a War, that these fallen “Hero’s” died for. They died for the freedom of these butt heads to protest and dishonor the fallen Hero’s in this capture. How ironic my friend?

I’m not for, or against the war, but at least I would respect the dead by showing them the Honor and Respect that they have earned. I would rather follow my earthly leaders here in the USA, than live in a godless Iraq, or Iran.

I MUST SAY LOVE IT, OR LEAVE IT, to the protesters here and if they don’t like it, they can go to Iraq or Iran and live there… Yeah Right!

War is Hell and no one enjoys it, but Freedom is not free, because Freedom costs bloodshed and always has. Wars have been a part of life since Cain killed Able and God required bloodshed of an innocent animal to cover the sins of mankind.

Further more there will be wars until our Lord Christ Jesus comes back for the final War to end all Wars. I thank God that Jesus Christ gave his life and blood to cover all of our sins and give us all Eternal Freedom. I would never protest his funeral and disrespect his death in this manner.

Photography 101, stir the emotions of the viewer… You did very well on stirring mine for sure… LOL

Thank you for sharing this awesome Piece of Artwork with us,


My hat is off to you… Bravo…


"Take It to the Top"

David McClenaghan   {K:9481} 12/19/2005
Really efefctive image.
The rain and the position of the people in the back looking away and down work perfectly.


Timothy R   {K:3028} 3/26/2005
Yes, that is correct. These were carried to the steps of the Federal Courthouse a few blocks away in a procession and then back again.


David Morris   {K:1404} 3/24/2005
Very nice. I am torn, now, between the two. I like this because it is lower and from a non-traditional angle. The leading lines going from one casket to the other and ending with the protestors is very good. The fact that I can almost read the sign (my fault, not yours) is an added plus. Another good thing about this photo isn't even anything you did. . . the wet sidewalk. It gives the impression of rain and to me rain adds a very somber mood to photos of this type. You are to be congratulated on this shot. It is hard to believe that it has been two years. In some respects it feels much longer, in others, it doesn't seem like it has been that long. David


wonderful but sad pic, for what it represent :(


Scott Lewis   {K:503} 3/23/2005
So is there 1 coffen per causality from Wisconsin?




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