Roger Williams
{K:86139} 4/4/2005
Ilford Delta Pro 400, which I've never used, seems to be a typical high accutance, high grain film. Here, with all the detail your superb Industary lens gives you, it's almost overwhelming. Less effective with the grainy sky in your Jute Mill/Luxury Flats. They are both good photos, although a bit more shadow detail in the JM/LF shot would have been nice.
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 4/3/2005
This is a wonderful, wonderful picture. Mary -
Jimmy Payne
{K:21163} 4/3/2005
What a work of art you have here, John. This deserves a Usefilm award. Are you listening UF staff?
The Armed Eye
{K:3563} 4/3/2005
Had not seen this one at RFF, it is beautiful ! I love that contrast ! Technically top class as usual, looks like MF, no wonder you don't need the larger neg. ;-)The Industar is surprising again, what value for the money !!
Bill Gibson
{K:2701} 4/3/2005
excellent composition view
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 4/3/2005
John, great compositie and house in the wood Teunis