Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 4/14/2005
Beautiful capture Del, lovely colours.
Best wishes, Steve
Del Metheny
{K:25617} 4/13/2005
Tamara, Thank you so much for your interest in my photograph. I think your experiment proved to be most interesting. I am flattered when some one takes time to experiment with something I post. Your comment is most welcome. Del.
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 4/13/2005
Fantastic Del. Sharp all across the image. Well done. You nearly fooled me. I thought our lavender looks different to that then realised it was the colour you were talking about. I'd better leave the comments on florals to Margaret. Den
Michael J. Wagner
{K:5896} 4/13/2005
Delightful purple hues, great contrast!
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 4/13/2005
Nor can I, how come you have taken such a wonderful shot, I still do not have one decent shot of a hyacinth. Am getting most despondent with my stuff margaret
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 4/13/2005
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 4/13/2005
Your flower is beautifully sharp and clear, Del! The colour is gorgeous, and it just jumps off the screen at you. Well done! Dave.
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 4/13/2005
Del, you caught this hyacinth just right. The flower is just perfect and the contrast of colors... Really nice. Jim
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 4/13/2005
I know I just commented. But I took another look and thought I should say I realized I was breathing in as though trying to smell this beauty. Mary -
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 4/13/2005
Magnificant colouring. Mary -
Jimmy Payne
{K:21163} 4/13/2005
It stands alone in all its beauty. Lavender and green go very well together. Excellent compostion, Del.
Angela Freed
{K:10061} 4/13/2005
Great color. Love the freshness of this shot. Simple as well. Angela
Tamara N
{K:2617} 4/13/2005
I hope you don't mind, but I was curious to know what this would look like in black and white. I actually think your version is much more appealing because of the lovely lavender color against the green grass. But anyway, here's a black and white version if you're interested.
I had actually put this into Photoshop to see if a different crop would make this image more interesting. But the more I played with it, the more I decided you were right to center it and put it in a nearly square frame. I don't know if a flower shot like this needs to be crazily framed, especially when the flower like this that is so interesting on its own. But then, I guess you already knew that which is why you took the photo like this!

John Loreaux
{K:86210} 4/13/2005
Beautiful , simple and well taken photo Del! ice work! My best.............John