ahmet özkan
{K:7216} 4/21/2005
beautiful composition.congrats..
Gabrielle Willson
{K:7978} 4/18/2005
Reminds me of the moors where we used to live. Ahh. Thank you.
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 4/17/2005
Thanks Carlos, yeah I played with the saturation a bit before posting but ended up going back to the original scan. XP ? sh*t maybe that's where the subliminal inspiration for the shot came from - have to watch that in future !
Orcun Kozluca
{K:3487} 4/16/2005
Nice shot.
{K:12969} 4/16/2005
sorry buddy? the attachment didn?t attach! The server?s a bit shaky lately?

{K:12969} 4/16/2005
Nice landscape Wayne ? compositionally recalls the entry shot in windows XP? it shows a bit muted, flat, on my screen... I took the liberty? but I think the enclosed modification is a bit over the other side. Somewhere between the two maybe the real thing?