This Bride is my daughter. I read her tis at the wedding.
DADDY?S LITTLE GIRL by Richard Maxfield
From the first moment my eyes meet those big round brown eyes my heart was taken and my life was changed forever. You weren?t fully born yet and I did not know for sure if you were a boy or girl. But my heart said, ?Daddy?s Little Girl.? The doctor finished delivering you into my world and my heart was right. Not thirty seconds old, you were handed to me to hold and protect. You were all covered with blood and gunk, your hair stuck to your head, yet you were the most beautiful thing my eyes had ever seen. I set there dumbfounded looking at what God himself had created and trusted to me to care for. I looked at you and you looked at me. Without a word spoken, a bond that could never be broken was formed, a bond between Daddy and daughter which defies explanation. Then in contentment, you fell asleep. It seems as if it were only yesterday, the memories still fresh, but then again as if it were a life time ago. So much has happened in our world most of it good, some of it bad. You and I were always together. You are my light in the dark, my spark of life, the wind in my sails. You are Daddy?s Little Girl.
With arms tight around my neck Everywhere I go You were mine to keep And to the whole world to show
Big brown eyes Your tiny little hand New discoveries everyday Castles in the sand
We crawled, we walked And now you fly I stand and watch With tears in my eye
You have never let me down From the moment of conception I stand here proud In this moment of reception
Chad to you I give a piece of my heart To love and hold and never to part
I give to you The Woman in curl Please forgive me if I keep DADDY?S LITTLE GIRL