City - saskatoon State - SASKATCHEWAN Country - Canada
The Broadway Bridge at night. Built as a "make-work" project for married men on unemployment relief at the beginning of the Great Depression in 1931-1932. It cost $850,000 to build and was the last big federally-funded relief work project in Saskatoon. Taken using a tripod precariously mounted on boulders piled along the river bank on a cold night at the edge of winter. Scanned from an 8x10 printed on Ilford paper. Exposure was a complete guess. I put the shutter on "Bulb", set the aperture at about f22 (IIRC) and counted out loud until I felt like stopping, bracketing intensely.
This photograph won the Phase II Photography Award at the 2005 Saskatoon Exhibition "Showcase of Arts" competition. The award was a $50 gift certificate for photo finishing at Phase II.