m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 5/1/2005
they progressed ! Very interesting graffiti ! hi mc
lavendu ...
{K:4882} 4/29/2005
thank you, khaled. I highly appreciate your looking and comment.
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 4/29/2005
:-) seems like graffiti is the same wherever you go, a multinational language. How boring this wall would be without it.. Very well seen. Congrats
amr alim
{K:2767} 4/29/2005
perfect .. this is an absolute art ....this painting could be sold with millions of $ :))))) i really like it....u know what its a real painting for a professional artist...from life i like it alot.... u really got a talented eyes ..well done great work 7++++++++++ regards
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 4/29/2005
These special words go all over the world but illegible for adults.Nice!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 4/29/2005
...but i have seen similar images here and abroad and....
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 4/29/2005
I think this image is very artistic Lavendu... You've got a good photographic eye. Well done, regards, Khaled.
lavendu ...
{K:4882} 4/28/2005
@ stefan: I forgot one letter in the title and now I'm very amused about the implications...
lavendu ...
{K:4882} 4/28/2005
klar: im stehen zu pinkeln erfüllt jungs/männer anscheinend mit ähnlichem stolz wie die vorstellung von männlicher ehre. (das ehrenwort hätte eigentlich eine ehrenwelt sein sollen.)
lavendu ...
{K:4882} 4/28/2005
you seem to know it well, jeanette :)
lavendu ...
{K:4882} 4/28/2005
thank you for commenting; unfortunately I can't read it.
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 4/28/2005
What a great idea. I can imagine a very interesting result if you traveled with this in mind.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 4/28/2005
es palabra de honor
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 4/28/2005
Ha ha ha yes the world of the boys Good capture of that !!!
Karadag Metin
{K:2939} 4/28/2005
basarılı bır calısma selamlar
- -
{K:6282} 4/28/2005
What a great find. Unusal style and color. Lovely! - H