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Red Bellied Woodpecker
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Image Title:  Red Bellied Woodpecker
Favorites: 0 
 By: James Bambery  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  James Bambery {Karma:13421}
Project #25 Characters Camera Model Canon EOS 10D
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Photo Art
Nature Still Life
Lens Canon  70-200 mm f/2.8 L USM
Uploaded 5/14/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 383 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 11 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Heathsville
Country - United States   United States
About The Red Bellied Woodpecker is one of the our woodpeckers that actually store?s food for later retrieval. Here is one with a piece of corn in his mouth getting ready to stash it in the hole (by his foot) of this holly tree. This is a very loud woodpecker and you can always tell when they are around. I?ve been trying to catch one of them for a while but they are usually way up in the tree?s and hidden by branches and leaves. Got lucky this morning when he landed (basically) right in front of my lens. Had an accident a week or so ago and the wind blew my camera onto a concrete patio when it was fully extended on my tripod. The lens made out OK (tripod ring (mount) busted is all) but when it hit the ground the remote jammed into the camera and busted it all up. I?m working with it all taped up and unable to use a remote for firing the camera. It really makes me mad because when I have the big glass on the camera it is really hard to get it to fire with out shaking the lens. Hence, my photo?s with this lens have not been AS sharp as I would like them to be. I?m trying to hold off a little longer before I ship it off to Canon to get repaired. I still want to capture all of this spring action. Sorry to make excuses but we have to sometimes;)

Shutter Speed 1/125 sec.
Aperture F/5.6
Focal Length 390 mm.
ISO 800
2X Extender

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There are 11 Comments in 1 Pages
Darlene Boucher   {K:15739} 5/15/2005
Beautiful image, even though you had a few "slight" problems. I get these guys at my feeder and would see them leaving but had no idea they were stashing it for later use! I thought they were just taking it to eat in a private place, I know sometimes I like to do that! Great shot James.....keep em coming!


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 5/15/2005
Great shot but I am sorry to here about your camera. It would be hard to have to send it off for weeks. Alison


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 5/15/2005
Jim this is fabulous, wonderful in every way! This image doesn't look like it's suffered any, but I'm so sorry to read about your tripod falling over. I walk away from mine and worry about that happening too, sometimes the tradewinds can be very strong. I'm so glad that your lens survived! Excellent capture with a mouthful...Love the composition...wondeful image beautifully presented as usual.....:) Linda


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 5/15/2005
Striking colours. Well done.



Larry Quigley Larry Quigley   {K:12887} 5/14/2005
Beautiful, colorful, shot, Jim. Sorry to hear about the bused camera. The remote certainly does help with the camera shake but this one looks good to me. Best wishes, Larry


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 5/14/2005
Very beauitudl capture Jim!
Best regards!


Gary Prebble   {K:1168} 5/14/2005
Great capture, vivid colors , a very interesting bird. Looks plenty sharp to me. Your camera accident, I think is my worst nightmare, have come close but hasn't happened so far


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 5/14/2005
James it is really great, he is so nice, and I love the tangle of branches making an excellent bird shot into a great composition. Sorry about the damage,. but I guess you are counting yourself lucky that it wasn't the lens


James Bambery   {K:13421} 5/14/2005
Really Paul, I didn't see it actually happen, I heard it and I think thats worse:) Thanks for the comment.



Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 5/14/2005
Oh my. It's admirable that you survived the heart-attack, when you saw your camera tipping!


Mark Evans Mark Evans   {K:17428} 5/14/2005
Excellent capture james , love the colours , detail and the superb presentation .. mark .




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