Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 6/13/2005
Thank you for tasking the time to respond to my response. As you said, we each have our way to comment on photos and ther prefabricated comment is restricted to my first comment on a photo who commented on one of my photos for the first time and even than, only the part about my book is prefabricated, otherwise I try to comment according to the photo I happen to comment on. To prove to you that there are no hard feelings, I will add you to my friends'list. Best regards, Rafi
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 6/13/2005
Dear Rafi,
I do not wish to create enmity or to start an interminable debate, but to advertise is "To make known; call attention to" (definition copied from a dictionary) and I believe that is what you do in your prepared introduction. In any case, you are, of course, free to talk about your book or whatever else, in any comment, as you see fit, irrespective of the fact that this is a site about photography and not psychoanalysis. In the same way, I am free to reply to those comments and express how I feel about them, especially when they appear related to my posts/photos.
We each have our ways of doing things, of course. For example, when I comment on someone's photo, I usually strive to make the majority of the comment, if not all of it, relevant to the individual photo I am talking about. And if someone asks me a question on a specific photo, I reply in that photo as well, so as to provide future readers with closure.
If the comment made is a closed one, I strive (time allowing) to reply in kind, with a comment to a photo from the original writer.
As I said: this is only my way of doing things, and I am not trying to impose them on anyone else.
Thank you once again for looking through my portfolio and taking the time to comment on this photo. I am glad you like it and will take your comment about balance under consideration.
I hope to have explained my original comments a little better.
Regards, Angelo.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 6/13/2005
I'm sorry about your reaction to my comment on your photo. I would have called it advertising if I were to sell it this way. As it is, I send it gratis, hoping that the receiver learns about my profession and more than that, I do it as a tribute to my late teacher, Dr. Henry Ezriel, to whom I owe what I know. You're right about the comment being prefabricated, but you have to consider that I sometimes spend half a day responding to comments and even though I am retired, I have not too much free time. Furthermore, English is not my natural langauge. In this photo you turned a simple tree into a work of art, although I'm afraid that the equilibrium leans a bit too far to the right. I thank you for your kind comment on my "From the field." You're right about the ring-flash being used off camera. I hardly ever use it on camera. The whole point of using a ring-flash is to use it behing the subject to be taken photo of, in some cases (not in this one) to make it look transparent. Best regards, Rafi Springmann
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 6/12/2005
simply gorgeous. great light.
André Bermak
{K:14443} 5/25/2005
Prefiro esta do que a mono.Ótimas formas e textura.Excelente trabalho!!!!!
Maria Fredriksson
{K:397} 5/22/2005
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 5/20/2005
Great contrast of textures. Very well done. Thankyou also for your fantastic comments.
Bobby Mun
{K:3709} 5/20/2005
I like the composition of this shot... circles and lines.
Good work, Angelo :>
Cheers! Bobby
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 5/19/2005
I really like the combination of textures and shapes. Margaret THank you for your comment
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 5/19/2005
Wonderful abstract Angelo, the tones and detail are prefect, very good perspective. well done..
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 5/19/2005
Favorita: show de enquadramento e composição... lindas texturas. Abraço! carmem
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 5/19/2005
Dear Angelo, A really good shot. Great composition with very nice, strong colors. Never saw these mini coconuts before - interesting. Take care, Mark
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 5/19/2005
Bela composição Angelo! Bonito enquadramento, gostei tambem da divisão dos cocos e a casca grande que os protege! Parabéns! Roberto.
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 5/18/2005
Bellissima composizione e dettaglio Angelo!!! Compl.!!!
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 5/18/2005
Quite a nice effect going 50/50.