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Play Time
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Image Title:  Play Time
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 By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Khaled Mursi Hammoud  Khaled Mursi Hammoud {Karma:54005}
Project #49 Dramatic Portrait Camera Model Nikon D100
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Portrait
Black & White
Lens Nikon  28-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED-IF AF
Uploaded 6/2/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar 256 MB
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 682 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 55 Rating
/ 23 Ratings
Location City -  Sayed Nafisa Cemetaries - Cairo
State - 
Country - Egypt   Egypt
About This poor girl from the cemetaries has little to play with, and the garbage may seem a likely place to find an amusing object to play with.

Camer settings: 1/250 sec - f/5.6 - ISO 200 - FL 95mm.
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There are 55 Comments in 1 Pages
Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 7/19/2005
Captured the emotion of the moment so well..excellent work !!


Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 6/27/2005
very nice capture,the b&w works very well here,best regards


Irenka Daniluk Irenka Daniluk   {K:8011} 6/8/2005
Amazing... and touching... I absolutely agree with the comment of my precedessor ;)

I noticed though during my couple of years in Cairo, that even the poorest of people always have a smile on their face, and enjoy whatever they have... even a playground in the garbage can...

I also found the cemetaries a fascinating socially place - but never dared to venture there...

Next visit maybe...


Raf D   {K:9223} 6/8/2005
Your portraits are not only exquisite from the artistic/technical point of view but also very rich in depicting the subjects' soul. A very harsh reality shown here however rendering a wonderful tribute to a child's innocence. Heart grabbing and beautiful at the same time! EXCELLENT work KHaled 7+++++++++ -- Best regards, Rafael


Romeo Victor Sierra   {K:325} 6/6/2005
a litle sad but a great photography

cheers, my friend


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 6/6/2005
A shot with high photographic quality?s! Beside all those..... i?m thinking of the symbolic value your image has. I thinking of how people are messing up the world and here a little kid are cleaning up.... a hopeful symbol for the future!



Carolyn Wiesbrock   {K:14051} 6/5/2005
This makes me feel sad but I know that this is a reality in some countries.
Well done!


Silvia Hudak   {K:1161} 6/5/2005
Amável retrato! O formato quadrado ficou muito especial.


giovanni guido marchi giovanni guido marchi   {K:27040} 6/5/2005
meravigliosa scatto superbo!!!!


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 6/5/2005
I love the square framing! Gives it a whole different level! Cant point what it is exactly but it works!
The child is so into what shes doing the whole environment is photographed, the result is a wonderful image that tells a story
excellent! :)


Saqib Zulfiqar   {K:2745} 6/5/2005
Very nice capture of a thought provoking fact of life. One feels as cemetaries and children playing in it is a paradox, but thats life for you.


Dirck DuFlon   {K:35779} 6/5/2005
A wonderful portrait showing a very sad condition! How terrible to think that she has never known any other reality than this! Excellent job in recording this and making us feel, even if only for a moment, a bit of her world!


moataz k. elkateb   {K:4971} 6/5/2005
I LIOVE this shot khaled every thing is great my friend ILIKE IT VERY MUCH ..greatly done .



Omar Rifaat   {K:10141} 6/4/2005
you have a gift for capturing the nobility and beauthy of even the poorest and simplest souls. Its true that every human being, by the fact that they are human, have the seeds of greatness within, no matter the accidents of their outward circumstances, and you bring this out so well in your portraits, my friend.


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 6/4/2005
A heart-rending image, Khaled!
A very sympathetically taken shot.
Kind regards, Chris


sena ozer   {K:593} 6/4/2005
this poor girl has a rich heart. she doesn't need the best toys to have fun.
khalid; you have good eyes so well used


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 6/4/2005
great capture Khaled....the whole scene is perfect.. love the overall composition.. nicely done


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 6/3/2005
great documentary.


Larry Hammond Larry Hammond   {K:16631} 6/3/2005
How sad Khaled, but oh so beautiful capture you have done!!



Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP   {K:18382} 6/3/2005
A picture with a sad and strong statement. It does not let the spectator without emotions. Large praise for this photo. 7 Pts. I would like to thank myself also here at this place for your many commentaries. Sincerely Gerhard


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 6/3/2005
Ach, this is a tough streetlife photo. The girl looks very serious. There's so much going on here...


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 6/3/2005
An image with great message,, Viva globalization. Powerful image and spotted skillful photographer. Saeed


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 6/3/2005
Excellent shot Khaled


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 6/3/2005
A beautiful capture of the little girl, Khaled, but a very unfortunate documentary on her circumstances. Great tones and details.


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 6/3/2005
very impresive little child with alot of things seen to complete a great story behind this wonderful capture,well done my friend ++++7 ,very best regards.


mohamed abdallah   {K:90} 6/3/2005
i give a 7 no doubt,i know that my words are repeated,but it is really perfect shot


Sara M   {K:12411} 6/3/2005
You know Khaled.. I just don't know what to say about picture.. I just kept looking at it.. I'm speechless..


NN  NN     {K:26787} 6/3/2005
Touching stuff, well captured! Children need much less toys than we think ...


Khaled Mursi Hammoud Khaled Mursi Hammoud   {K:54005} 6/3/2005
Thanx a lot Galal for your kind words and following my words...
Looking forwards to go on photography trips with other Usefilmers insha'Allah.
Take care,


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 6/3/2005
Excellent story directed by Great Actor , very well done .



Femke de Wit   {K:6020} 6/3/2005
Very nice pictures with nice grey tones. Croppes in a square beautiful. Very well done, Femke


ahmed saied ahmed saied   {K:8734} 6/3/2005
wounderful as usual Khaled , details , the drama of the photo, the colour , i might have comment on the garrbige , i know it is reality but mesh aref ablahaa . Best regards


Omnia Khalil Omnia Khalil   {K:4540} 6/3/2005
very good catch
good work friend


sherif hussein   {K:13815} 6/3/2005
excellent Capture Khaled with excellent composition .This photo is very human and tell great story ,The old can at the bottom ,The chicken and the old building and ( EL Akfas)
Great work Khaled


Hamed Noori   {K:6805} 6/3/2005
Good shot ...


erkoc dalaman   {K:4295} 6/3/2005
Very strong image..sad but the reality of life unfortunately..great DOF and tones..congrats..


Rosario Esposito Rosario Esposito   {K:9796} 6/3/2005
You have had ready in capturing the image, with the contour, beautiful the B&W.


Rebecca Raybon   {K:26654} 6/3/2005
Very powerful, and sad image. One look tells a story, and a very sad one. Excellent portrayal my dear friend. :)


Asim Roy Asim Roy   {K:10051} 6/3/2005
Nice capture Khaled, love the b/w tone with great action, love, asim


Engy Farahat Engy Farahat   {K:11591} 6/3/2005
Poor girl!!.. this photo is perfect Khaled,
perfect timing, movement, composition and tones.
excellent work.
ng farahat


Evelyn Mayes   {K:8132} 6/3/2005
Emotive . . . what can be done for her?
You portrayed her plight perfectly with the trash and chicken running loose in the background . . . is there hope for her?


Larry Monserate Piojo Larry Monserate Piojo   {K:10780} 6/3/2005
Excellent shot! very attractive b&w tone! Good work!


Simon Jarvis   {K:489} 6/3/2005
Hi Khaled i have been away for a while and am just catching up on all your wonderful work also congrats on the front page feture this week great work my friend


Kamran  Kamran     {K:3526} 6/3/2005



Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 6/3/2005
Excellent street capture Khaled!
Best regards!


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 6/3/2005
Great shot Khaled, the little girl is so cute and very intent on what she is doing, you have captured the moment perfectly. I like the composition which allows us to see a bit of her daily surroundings. Alison


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 6/3/2005
This took my breath away when I saw it...Oh wow Khaled a very moving image...I like the strong diagonal, the black and white...I love the tones..and the about..Good eye to see this and I love the way you captured it. There are many interesting elements, yet it's not too busy. The chicken is cute, we have those here in PR as well, and I always enjoy driving down the street and seeing them in the road. It's like what is that doing here? hehehe...A wonderful image in every way. I very much enjoy your work...God bless you my friend....:):)Linda


Gilberto Santa Rosa   {K:11147} 6/3/2005
Wonderful moment, Khaled
Excellent 7++


Nour El Refai Nour El Refai   {K:12481} 6/3/2005
good catch


Mostafa Salah   {K:171} 6/2/2005
el objects elli fi el soora m3a hay2et el tefl dah ... bey3abaro m3a ba3d 3la concept el soora..


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 6/2/2005
What a cutie, excellent tones and purity captured.


Inji Amer Inji Amer   {K:22997} 6/2/2005
Sometimes the garbage is a fine place to find an object for a poor human & a fine place to capture an amasing shot by a great photographer !!
Excellent work my dear .

Inji Amer


Angela Freed   {K:10061} 6/2/2005
Beautiful. This photograph really tells a story. I really like that you left all the scenery in for this photo and didn't tight crop it. Even the chickens in the background add to this shot and give it a lot of depth. Great job!


Keith Ruddell   {K:3570} 6/2/2005
wonderful 7+.... great expression and I really enjoy the little details here.. the girl's shirt, the can in the foreground, the chicken and boxes in the background.


Bea Friedli   {K:10189} 6/2/2005
awesome !! excellent 7 ++




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