Luis Diogo
{K:6019} 7/15/2005
Very nice scene B/W..love the silhuets and the lighting.. great work. Luis.
Kaeli Elyse
{K:253} 6/15/2005
Great lighting and contrast... Overal this is a great shot of a simple scene that many of us don't take more than 2 seconds to notice. Great job!
Sandra Berry
{K:8352} 6/14/2005
Greetings Guy, Photo is very beaufitul, Good play of light and shadow,I like the grain effect of this image, It adds to the rustic charm of the scenery. Best Regards, Sandra
Glenn Edmiston
{K:7366} 6/14/2005
Great exposure here Guy . I would have croped off the road but that just the way I see it . In lookin over your photos I like your work very much. Cheers Glenn. Thanks for the nice coment on my photo watching the sunset
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 6/6/2005
Sus fotos son siempre estupendas, me gusta el detalle d elos grises, saludos
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 6/6/2005
I like very much all your scenery series, this one is beautiful,in all aspects an eye catcher To my favs. Many thanks dear Guy for all your so nice comments My best regards
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 6/6/2005
Great work Guy. I like the whole layout of the image. The old shed really makes this shot. Thankyou so much for all of your comments on my work. They are much appreciated.
Giorgio Goretti
{K:15471} 6/5/2005
Wonderful image and great light here. really excellent.
ricardo longhi-frantz
{K:9628} 6/5/2005
nice shot!
Guido Fulgenzi
{K:6076} 6/5/2005
great lighting!congrats.
Bruno Caetano
{K:2940} 6/5/2005
I like this one alot Guy. The trees up in the front make a creative frame with the frame itself and the shadow just adds some detail to the pic. I dont get tired of saying great B&W.