hello there please have a look at some of these portrature notes.
Tips for Portrait Photography Dealing with a model's problems. Positioning. Hand posing within a portrait Shooting groups and couples. Lighting tips. Create a "People Kit". A sample session plan
Dealing with People Issues.
Model Issue Resolution.
Round or Fat Face; Pose model 3/4 to the camera. Use short lighting and raise the camera angle slightly.
Thin Face; Pose model facing the camera with Wrinkly Face, Deep Lines Use softer, frontal lighting.
Blemishes or Scars; Shadow problem areas, or reposition.
Big nose; raise chin slightly. Pose nose straight into lens.
Small nose; Pose nose at an angle to camera. With a square jaw 3/4 pose, higher camera angle.
Multiple chins; Stretch neck, lean head toward camera.
Different sized eyes; largest eye close to camera, other in shadow. Largest eye away creates evening effect.
Deep-set eyes; Light into eyes.
Blinkers Time shot after subject blinks.
Large Ears 3/4 pose. Only show one ear, shadow second ear.
Eye Glass Wearers; Shoot with empty frames. Position glasses away from lights. Try to bring lights in from very high, or bounce off ceiling.
People with Dark Hair; Check to make sure that background doesn't show through hair, restyle if necessary.
Basic Positioning Tips Position body and head facing different directions.
Masculine pose: tilt top of head toward far shoulder.
Feminine pose: tilt top of head toward near shoulder. Note: Women can typically pull off either of these two poses.
Hand Posing Tips Don't show flat surfaces of hands, show finger edges. Fingers should not be facing into the lens. Bend fingers at all joints.
Male hands should be more closed, female should be more open. Use opposing diagonals: i.e. head resting on arm; each pointing in opposite directions. Fingers should not be intertwined. Never rest a head on a fist.
Stuff you should have available for your models Fresh combs A mirror Hair spray Hair clips
Session Plan Start with headshots. Move to head on hands, let the model pose naturally. Finish with 3/4 and full length.
Shooting Groups of People As a rule, the image should express a tone that all in the group are unified; either touching each other physically, or visually overlapping.
Clothing Choices Everyone should have the same toned clothing, either warm or cold. Brightly clothed individuals should be placed in the middle.
Posing Tips Make men a little taller than women. Stagger head heights.
Pose groups one person at a time, in relation to each other.
Pose men to the right of the frame, women to the left.
Open Poses are defined as images with physical or visual space between people.
Closed Poses are defined as images where individuals overlap each other, with no visual space between them. Note: Mixing Open and Closed Poses works well for large groups.
Posing Couples Front-to-Front Pose - fronts of both people facing, or touching the other.
Fronts facing forward - fronts of both people facing forward, possibly at an angle, one front to the other's back.
Avoid space between heads to create intimacy. Use lots of negative space around couples in the frame.
Suggestions for Lighting Match the mood of image to lighting.
High key --> happy
Low key --> dramatic
An Example of a High Key Lighting Setup (four light setup)
Main and fill lights close to the same output (1:1 to 2:1 max ratio) . White clothing, white background.
Overexpose background by 1 stop. Point background lights at opposite edge of background. Meter background at its center, set background lights to +1 stop main (i.e. f11).
Subject should be halfway between camera and background. Two umbrellas should be the main source, equal powered, and when combined rated at f8. Shoot at f8.
perfect shot..and also very difficult one made quite easy by great talent..I would like to get some advices about portraits from you..thanks and congrats..