City - Argyll & Bute State - FINNART Country - United Kingdom
Another photo of Ronnie Bolton, a local singer songwriter. Taken at Finnart, Loch Long, Scotland at the BP refinery. Ronnie worked here at a 15 year old before going to sea. I used an external flash to highlight the subject.
If you want to listen to a few samples of our songs go to - I'[ve placed 30 second samples of each track, and a few more pictures. Let me know what you think!
Thanks. I like this one, especially given the trouble getting there to take the shots I did. We climbed on roofs, up those big tanks full of avaiation fuel... then I liked this one the best taken from the pier!
If you want to listen to a few samples of the music try - I've put 30 second samples of each track. If you like it I'll send you a CD !!!!!
Thanks Al, I liked this one as aoon as I loaded it... the wide angle lens give it a 'land of the giants' feel!
Alastair Bell{K:29571} 6/14/2005
Great stuff Howard. I'm guessing you used the wide angle end of your lens here... I think you have really caught the feeling of someone returning to their roots well... Ronnie's expression is almost wistful and the wind blowing in his hair is almost symbolic of blowing away the years. Good use of an off centre composition too. Excellent (and I can almost see this as an album cover!).