Chris Hudson
{K:1157} 7/31/2006
Hi Roger,
Thanks for all your comments I will have a look at your stuff when I get home from work later and I will send you the curve adjustment. Liz did have it aswell don't know how she got on though.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 7/31/2006
man Liz beat me here over a year ago... beautiful image Chris well seen and composed and of course manipulated.. did Liz ever get the technique from you (she is a member of the Muswellbrook Camera Club) if not I wouldn't mind a copy to me rojpix@hunterlink.net.au
Jessica Dittmer
{K:477} 5/10/2006
Thank you! Yes, I have a studio here in Iowa. (well, I've been working out of my house taking clients for a couple years and now I bought an old house just for a studio!) I'm excited at the thought it will be done soon! I never get tired of seeing these images (building, cars and trucks, landscapes....) when done in a beautiful way like you've done, how could one ever be bored with them? Love your work!
Chris Hudson
{K:1157} 5/10/2006
Thank you Jessica I am glad you like them. Old vehicles and buildings its a something about the texture but also the way peoples lives still hang around them somehow. Its a bit cliche these days but I like to photograph them anyway. Your portraits are nice do you do this for a living.
Jessica Dittmer
{K:477} 5/10/2006
Oh my! This is wonderful too! I'm going to be addicted to your images! I think I'll look at them all!
// //
{K:6081} 9/19/2005
Fantastic image,fantastic treatment.Bravo H.
Luis Diogo
{K:6019} 7/11/2005
Very beautiful B/W and scene Chris. Luis.
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 7/8/2005
Great backlight!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 6/28/2005
marvellous cheers roby 7+
Fadel J
{K:13974} 6/24/2005
Amazing lighting and BW tones Chris!! very beautiful scene!
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 6/23/2005
A B&W that works fine because of its arrangement of stylistic elements, the warp of the tree against the grain the other way round, connected with the long shadow. Very clever, a great monochrome landscape. The sky in the center on the right side is a bit blown out, I would have tried to burn in some detail (not sure if it works, because the brightness makes suspense, on the other side.
Naomi Weidner
{K:6636} 6/23/2005
Beautiful B&W image. Love the stripes of sunlight on the field. Beautiful tones and textures. -- Naomi
Chris Hudson
{K:1157} 6/23/2005
Hi Liz,
Sorry cant find your email address if you let me have it I will send you a few of these curve adjustment files. My email address is halecycles@aol.com
Chris Hudson
{K:1157} 6/23/2005
Hi Liz,
Its a curve adjustment. I usually tone my pictures this way you can create any effect you want by playing around with the individual curves for R G and B I will email you this one just save it somewhere convenient then open adjustments then curves then load find the file and apply. I toned this one down a bit in hue saturation. Have a go.
Allen Aisenstein
{K:5652} 6/23/2005
Beautiful composition. Well-planned shot. Excellent work.
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 6/23/2005
Your timing was super - I love the way the light from the sun shines through either side of the tree - creating a lead-in for the tree itself. The field is nice and contrasty, and I like the hint of warmth in the sky - very nice.
ahmed saied
{K:8734} 6/23/2005
Great Silheute , well done
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 6/23/2005
Brilliant image Chris. I really like the image as a whole, but the tones are fantastic. How did you produce this. Liz Wallis.