Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 7/1/2005
Hello David Thanks for commenting. The stone walls are typical Northmbrian Dry stoe walls built without any cement Simplt thru stones every so often to bind it all together and the coping stones laid on top are probably decorative although don't qoute me on that.
david henderson
{K:16659} 7/1/2005
Danny, hi, am reading the comments on your image and came hear to have a good look at it, it's very pleasing, interesting, well composed and reminiscent of the good old days......looking at the wall in the back ground, this is very like the dry stone walls in Gloucestershire (where I come form) those perpendicular toppers are typical of a Cotswold stone wall of old...not a lot of them left now so I would love to know where this is? cheers and congrats on your image. david.
Naomi Weidner
{K:6636} 6/30/2005
I must confess to being one of the "lookers." I saw your image, but didn't comment because of time constraints. It seems that my images that receive the most comments come on the heals of days when I've had a lot of time to comment on the work of others.
I do like your image. You did a nice job of framing the man between his horses. The furrows lead the viewers eye. The gulls are a bonus. -- Naomi
Marcia .
{K:16108} 6/30/2005
Congratulations, Danny and Angelo, for the FC. This is an excellent register of the time, or the changes of the time.
Virtyt Gacaferi
{K:189} 6/30/2005
Denny nice shot, birds and the light from the top make it very dramatic. As for your Photoshop comments - technology should be usedf in favour of the beuty and nice images. There is nothing wrong in enhancing the photos.
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 6/30/2005
Thanks for commentig Roger. Don't take Me v Kevin too seriously. We have a mutual respect for each other but don't neccessarilly like all of each others work.
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 6/30/2005
Sometimes good things take just a little longer to materialise - like farming with horses, I imagine. It really is an excellent image with great DOF. And the gulls behind add an extra dimension of interest (although I might crop or otherwise remove the two at the top that are incomplete). Congrats on getting this on the front page - it's an image that deserves to be there! AJ
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 6/30/2005
A very nice documentary type image Danny and an interesting about. Makes one take a second look and really think about this as compared to the technology we are so used to seeing these days. I wonder how he can be out in that heat toiling the land in full dress. I love the horses, and the action in this image, and also how all three (horses, birds and man) are doing what they do independantly and yet interacting in a dependant way....Interesting and very well done..Congrats on this well deserved award and on the front page....:):)Linda
Daniel Walker
{K:1699} 6/30/2005
Great timing to catch the birds flying off in the background. Also a great look into the past, into why it took a strong hand to control, and an even stronger will to continue. To end, I will say that you like him, are truely outstanding in his field!
John Beavin
{K:4477} 6/30/2005
Nostalgic image for an old timer like me Danny, I only comment on a very small percentage of pictures that I view, they have to interest me or be shots which are really excelent in one way or another. There are far too many to comment on anyway. By the way what is the implement the farmer is using? it is not a plough.
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 6/30/2005
I'm grateful that Angelo's commnet brought this photo to the front page. I've seen you comment on Kevin's work, but somehow never got around to checking yours out. I really like this, and the seagulls flocking for the worms the plough has turned over are a lovely touch. (And I have some shots I like that get ignored... guess we know how the salmon feel thrusting up river!)
Hamed Noori
{K:6805} 6/30/2005
Great shot . i like it ...
Ian Crean
{K:14866} 6/30/2005
I didn't see it first time round Danny, but would certainly have been moved to comment if I had. It works well as a piece of art and as a commentary. I like how you caught the moment with the farmer placed between the horses and the gulls gatthering behind to pick up whatever rich pickings the plough turns up for them. To see a man toiling like this with elementary tools and animals is heartwarming and melancholic. It's real, not a museum piece or recreation. It seems like the end of an era, like WWII war veterans marching in commemorance, how much longer will it last before it's all just in the history books and museums and not handed down through experience and practice. Same with the critiquing in a way, how often do viewers really stop, look and 'see' rather than zap and move to the next channel. Thanks to Angelo for giving a critique which allowed this to be showcased as it deserves. Well done, guys. Ian.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 6/30/2005
Forgot to say congrats for being chosen as featured photo for the critique of the day! ;> You are on the frontpage!...gayle
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 6/30/2005
hi, i like the subject matter since it isn't something one sees often...like the DOF and clarity,too....don't know how often you comment to others and how many on your friend's list,but this is my 2nd yr. and some of my photos still receive as few as 4 comments,while others receive the higher teens or 20,and usually it depends on how many comments i have been able to leave to others.....so keep posting as long as you enjoy it!..regards,gayle
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 6/25/2005
Hang in there and do the photos which give you pleasure, Danny. "If you post them they will come" :)
We all have photos that we can't figure out why they don't get more comments. There's better photos than this one with fewer comments out there, and I am just being sincere. (And I do like the photo.)
Some people are too lazy/afraid to comment on stuff they don't like (though I can't see what's not to like in this one) and have to explain what/why.
Personally, I'd rather get a picture ripped 10 times than getting 0 comments.
Keith Saint
{K:13784} 6/24/2005
Looks like hard work though Great shot Danny
(can you get in touch Danny my email is snapasaint99@yahoo.co.uk something I would like to ask you)
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 6/24/2005
Thank you Angelo. Yes I thought it more of a documentary shot, reasonably well exposed and reasonably sharp yet apart from yourself there is not one comment.I think Iwill have to revert back to cutting and pasting and making images in photoshop like quite a few who seem incapable of posting a straight photograph. keep up the good work.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 6/24/2005
Great documentary shot. Farming with horses is, of course, very hard work. Harder than with tractors, I imagine. He looks like a tough old farmer.
You have captured this moment very well, with good use of telephoto perspective to isolate the subject.
I like this photo quite a lot. It's a shame that modern farming has turned away from such environmentally friendly practices.