sarah motallebi
{K:1759} 8/29/2006
wow!! powerful photo..i lik e the colors
brian underdown
{K:-960} 1/19/2006
i dont know how ive missed your stuff before but all i can say you have a great vision and admire what looking for in your photography.this shot has excellent sharpness and focus and nice depth.
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 6/25/2005
Superb view .. Peter
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 6/25/2005
Excellent marra !!! superb detail and sky choice 7+++ .. cheers .. marky .
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 6/25/2005
What you did creates a beautiful image. Another approach would have been to crop quite close to the rows of potatoes as they crest the hill. At the moment the sky is maybe a little too pretty, distracting from the rows of green and brown, which are wonderful in themselves and quite enough to sustain the image. IMHO.
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 6/24/2005
sharp as a needle. great taties. sick of that sky.
Shane Finnigan
{K:1990} 6/24/2005
Excellent image Kevin. Love the perspective.
Keith Saint
{K:13784} 6/24/2005
Great shot Kevin nice and sharp Good choice of sky
(you cant wait for them tettys can you)
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 6/24/2005
very well composed.. nice work.
Hani Ghayhab
{K:3723} 6/24/2005
Beautiful work...
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 6/24/2005
Inquadratura, prospettiva e cielo da urlo, grandissimo scatto kevin!! Ciao