Len Webster
{K:25714} 7/27/2005
Fantastic silhouette! Nice tone, well framed.
Luis Diogo
{K:6019} 7/2/2005
Incredible beauty captured. Luis.
ro tran
{K:17} 6/28/2005
Paul Boocock
{K:8314} 6/27/2005
Wonderful and atmospheric and i love the colours. :~}
Robert Jaworowski
{K:533} 6/26/2005
Excellent shot. Very good mood and story behind. Congratulations. Robert
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 6/26/2005
A stunningly beautiful silhouette khoa!!!!The tones are excellent and the mood of the image is first rate!!The composition is really good!Congrats on a fine photograph! my best..........................John
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 6/26/2005
phantastic shot. I really think this is one of the best one in this new project. Although we don't actually see anything of the environment, the reflection and mood gives us a very good impression. Excelent work and great example of how much a photograph can say with showing very little.
khoa pham
{K:360} 6/26/2005
Thank you! To: Enas Moussa and Roberto Okamura. I did it! Thanks
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 6/26/2005
lovely shot..nice tones, why not under the silhouette project?!? regards..
Sergio Leal
{K:1468} 6/26/2005
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 6/26/2005
Excellent composition khoa! Very beautiful work! Could be good in current project Silhoettes and abstracts! Congrats! Roberto.
Emanuel Correia
{K:739} 6/26/2005
Uma maravilha de se ver, parabens
Louise Vessey
{K:13862} 6/26/2005
Awesome sillhouette and wonderful tones. Love this!