Lovely cropping, lighting is awesome and the B&W is a nice touch... 10 +++
I just got my home studio set up, but I didn't have enough light, even with 2150 watts, I had to shoot at a 1s shutter speed, just for an f/11 DOF...
The Cameras used were, 1 Bronica ETRS and 2 Nikon FE2 bodies... The light meter was an Sekonic L-358 and the on board camera meters all agreed that we didn't have enough light... Although I have heard that digital cameras require less light. Is that a fact, or fiction in your opinion?
The lights used were 2 Norman Allure K1000's, with 2 umbrella's and 1 Smith Victor boom hair line light... I think I could get better results with my Metz handle Flash, although I think it would have made everything too hot...
Please help me and just by pass the other photos and go to my 1st studio attempt...
Thank you for any advice; you could give me regarding this matter...
What comments you want? The model is great and the light is wonderful! Also the strange crop is really unusual and nice I'm not able to find any other comment to do :)