City - RMNP State - COLORADO Country - United States
taken in RMNP on the upper tundra, wonderful mountain flowers right now, wishing i could have found a vast feild of them to take images of, none in sight though... while sitting here shooting i was getting hailed on jacket over my head and cam under it all i continued to shoot while the storm rolled in... plus the hike back to the car in hail wouldnt have been enjoyable.. let me know if i should change something in this one to make it better, im always up for suggestions
Very nice composition, I would agree with Chris` suggestion. Another possible improvement could be an unsharp mask for the resized image, an advice I give very often on UF. You lose detail after the resize / jpeg process, and I am quite sure the original is quite sharp, I have the 50/1.8 myself.
Beautiful shot, Philip. It sounds like you went through it a bit to capture it. My only suggestion for a possible improvement would be to introduce a little red into the foreground by doing a rough selection of the field, feathering the selection by 150-200 pixels, (on the original hi-res image), and then adding around 10-12 points of red using the mid-tone slider on Photoshop's colour balance control. Otherwise fab!! Kind regards, Chris