a. M.
{K:9020} 10/24/2005
thank you suman...i agree :) Ant
Suman Kumar Ghosh
{K:437} 10/24/2005
Very appealing...
a. M.
{K:9020} 10/17/2005
thank you hamed :)
Hamed Noori
{K:6805} 10/15/2005
Very nice ..
a. M.
{K:9020} 9/15/2005
thank you rodrigo for your comments. i appreciate it so much. :)
genious anonimous
{K:-45} 9/15/2005
I like how the blur was used here, it gaves her like movement, which works good with her smile. You are lucky having such model. Cheers
a. M.
{K:9020} 8/12/2005
hey again jon..thanks for taking the time on my pic. yea this is quite a unique picture and the only thing i changed to it was change the filesize so it could fit on usefilm. :) but other than that i think im gonna leave it as is. thanks again for taking the time jon. peace.
Jon O'Brien
{K:11321} 8/12/2005
Hi, Anthony - an interesting shot. I like the graininess and the warmth of tone (I tried it as a straight b&w and it didn't work at all) as well as the dark background, but I am not sure if the blur works for me.
a. M.
{K:9020} 8/5/2005
yea trish...no comments just you!! i guess some people dont like to take the time out out (which is only a couple of seconds, to critique) thank God for people like you. thank you for the comments. nice portfolio by the way.
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 8/5/2005
no comments. hmmmm. I like the way this shot looks. I love the blur and yet still grainy look. I like the dramatic look here that you captured.