Just returned from a two week business trip that, for the first time, got me around the world in a single trip: Chicago, Tokyo, Seoul, Daejon, Singapore, London, Berlin, London, and back to Chicago. It was a tight schedule during the local work days plus a second work day at night doing email and conference calls with the US. But I got out a little and here is some of what I saw ...
There was very little time to discover Seoul, other than a walk around the hotel for an hour or so. The streets were very busy until very late at night as you can see from this shot.
Picture details: Aperture: f3.5, shutter: 1/15s, focal length: 18mm, no flash, no tripod (but leaning on lamp pole).
Thank you for your comment, Glenn. I might come back to your "carry the camera" offer if I really decide to add four pounds of lens to my cmera bag (looking at the Nikon 70-200mm/f2.8 VR right now)
Hi Jurgen Great night shot here Very well done Cheers Glenn .. ps: If you need someone to carry your camera while your on these worldly trips just call LOL Cheers