City - ON SEASIDE BEACH State - FLORIDA Country - United States
Shot this after Stormy-Weather on the Beach near Seaside,Florida...After Raining Cat's and Dog's all day, the Sky stopped Crying and my Son and Daughter ventured into The Vastness of the Deserted Beach and,more importantly, into their Brave New World once again...
and that is why we try to save every moment such as this. not only will this beach change daily, so will your kids. I hope you shoot lots of shots like these to later savor their youth and innocence. Nice capture.
Right on the money my friend, I wish the beach still looked like this, the last Hurricane did quite some damage to the dune, it looks more like a wall now. Great work!!
I very much like this black and white photograph and the way the individuals are spread out on the beach at diffrent distances, it gives the illusion that this beach could initally continue forever, the crop for the photograph is well taken and divided up into 3 well rounded parts...and the overall effectiviness is wonderful.