Great shot as usual. I am really beginning to despise you as a fellow canuck :-)
One thing I would love to see. Crop this a bit more so as to eliminate the diaganol beam that's in the top left hand corner of the photo. This would convert this from a horizontal to vertical frame. Just a suggestion that I think may work as well. Everyone else has said all the other stuff already. DOF = great. Exposure = great. Envy = Large :-)
Very nice roy, first color now b&w, I think you are improving at an astonishing rate. The DOF is perfect, so is the exposure. I know you have 12 more images hiding there somewhere post them!
This is a nice, tight image...depth of field seems to be exactly where it needs to be, and nowhere it doesn't...except for the little holes to the left of the image. Not sure why, but these kind of distract me a little. I wouldn't crop them out at all, because they are just as much a part of the "contraption" as what appears to be your pof, but while in PS, I might've blurred these a little so they wouldn't draw my eyes away from the center of the subject. *shrug* Or perhaps I've no idea what I'm talking about. :) BTW, tell Debbie Groff that she, too, can get shots like this with her Elan 7. I hear tell she's thinking of getting rid of it, and I'm trying to get her to keep it and keep studying's a lot of camera to learn, but once she's done that, there's so much MORE to be learned in the art of using it. Can ya back me up here? *wink*