Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 8/31/2005
Phantastic B&W!!! CB
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 8/25/2005
Dear Gayle,
awesome contrasts! this one has really a message with the bw conversion. your work intensifies the mood. like it!
best wishes, Thilo
tom rumland
{K:14874} 8/24/2005
i hate to tell you this, although i don't think you'll be very surprised, as you and i have disagreed over this very subject before. i read your forum post so i came over to take a look at the photos in question and the alleged "abusive" comments. i find that nothing that sheldon or bradley have said is abusive in any way. it's simply their opinion on the message that your photo conveys. countless others have left you comments, on this and the other photos in the series, expressing just that. no mention of the photo per se in any of them. yet, you seem to tag as abusive, and complain about, only the ones that disagree with your opinion/message.
photojournalism is the art or practice of communicating the news through photographs, no? within that context, there is no "opinion". only fact.
now; you have certainy documented an event. no question about that. however, you have also infused it with plenty of your "opinion" and take offense at the mention of any differing ones. i don't know about you, but i have never seen a heavily modified image in the news. what's more, modified with the express purpose of highlighting an "opinion".
is that not the purpose of the monochrome super-high contrast? to make the message stand out in such a way that it cannot be missed? you have actually left comments here that verify this was your intent. heck, the fact that you have placed this photo under the category of journalism but at the same time under a portfolio of yours titled "photoart" proves my point (and stanley's and brad's) in and of itself.
fact: is it journalism? maybe at one point it could've been but it is not now (as presented here).
opinion: do these people have jobs? probably not. opinion: are they shiftless hippies simply looking for something to complain about? yes. opinion: if our government were to actually do what you want (namely to leave iraq now) would these people be happy? yes, of course. then they will be able to complain even louder about how we destroyed iraq and then left them to fend for themselves in a mess of civil war and more senseless killing. great excuse to install billary II's magical socialist kingdom.
joke: be nice, now. i mentioned the photo, photojournalism, and i addressed the message with my "opinion". i even marked it clearly so there would be no confusion. if you take offense to this, or even disagree with me, don't get upset if i run off and start a thread to complain about your "abuse" of my "opinion".
gayle, i like you alot and i admire your "spunk" but let's be reasonable here. taking offense to someone's "opinion" of photoart simply because they disagree with you is a bit much, don't you think?
take care, tom
Keith Saint
{K:13784} 8/24/2005
Great work I agree on your about and the way you have worked on this makes it unique and helps it stand out. Getting the message over is what you are trying to achieve and photography is better than words, and you show it here
Well done
Sheldon Katz
{K:-287} 8/23/2005
The mainstream liberal media in trhe United States has turned political satire and their own opinion into what they now call Photojournalism.
Fortunately, the ratings for mainstream news is dwindling while the ratings for alternative news sources is gaining. Looks like the American people have seen through the propaganda of the left.
Enrico Gori
{K:1645} 8/23/2005
you really think so, sheldon? but you watch television or read newspapers sometimes?
Sheldon Katz
{K:-287} 8/23/2005
This is not photojournalism, it's political satire. True journalism is supposed to convey a more than one point of view.
This picture simply says you are sympathetic to the cause. Please don't wrap the term photojournalism around your personal opinion.
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 8/23/2005
Excellent composition , nice use of B&W to conentrate on the idea , very well done .
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 8/22/2005
nice Photojournalism shot,best in BW,full of emotion,friendly
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 8/21/2005
The high contrast is perfect here. You need a bold, strong presentation for such an urgent message.
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 8/21/2005
Wonderful image Gayle! I love the high contrast, it adds punch to an already incredible image!
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 8/21/2005
Well done, a new career budding for you? Great job, lots of emotion in this pic, and I like the high contrast. DD
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/21/2005
Black gold! Texas Tea! like Chris said,"when it hits $5/gallon here,then watch out,world!" (BTW, it is a bit over $6 in Britain already!...thanks for comment per my light painting and glad you are down wid da grit of the street urban flavor of the Q & A of today and "why is gas so high,again?" bahahahahaha
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 8/21/2005
....Just for the record, one of the 3 books our Great Leader took to the Ranch to read during his well deserved 5 week vacation is "The History of Salt". This is not a joke. It was reported all over the press a few days ago and repeated last night on "The Bill Mahre Show" on HBO. Since I like to mirror his activities I plan on picking up "The History of Sand" tomorrow in paperback (can't afford hardback cause I just filled up my car with "Black Gold" - AKA gasoline) - but I still do wanna stimulate my mind......(just wanted to elaborate on my earlier statement + I really, with all due respect, must disagree with Tracey in that I think the high contrast in this shot brings something to the party, is still very easy to read, and gives it a very modern look - gritty, street, Naples meets Detroit, Christopher Walken - "King of New York", Pop MTV culture - Eminem meets Trent Reznor meets Triumph the Insult Comic Dog meets Chris Matthews on Hardball fighting Malaria...has that kinda look to it IMHO. That's the only way I can explain it) Sincerely, Mark
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/21/2005
Exactomento,dear Todd! Thanks for comment/feedback
Todd Miller
{K:16464} 8/21/2005
there's that 12 string again! another great shot Gayle...glad to see these pics from the peace vigil. somehow this event was off my radar, and i did not attend the vigil in minneapolis, so i really enjoy seeing these pics. the contrast is a bit strong for my tastes, but of course works so well to bring the words to the viewer's eye, which is likely the intent. well done as always. todd
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 8/21/2005
*that would be 'convey' as opposed to 'convery', blame it on the new keyboard and predilection for ignoring the 'preview' button :-).
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 8/21/2005
"MEET WITH CINDY" "AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL" "AMERICASOLIDARITY.COM, the somber intense expression of the couple on the right, the straight up stance of the gentleman holding the sign, the reflective nature of the guitar player, the woman holding the candle with a hand in her pocket saying "I'm tired but I am here". All prima facie and patent to a further extent after taking a moment. You can't just glance at a photo and make a drive by comment, you have to take a few minutes and go over the details, every aspect and nuance to get insight into what the photographer is attempting to convery. Regardless of political viewpoints, all opinions and thoughts are valid and should be respected when presented in that manner.
Randal Dean
{K:4004} 8/21/2005
Man, I like the contrast, it's so gritty--- Gayle, you and I will together carry this message as far as we can!
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 8/21/2005
...if I remember correctly Lot's wife turned around and became a pillar of salt...we can only hope for the same for....
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/21/2005
Thanks for your honest feedback,Tracey...on my monitor the words are clarified and the focus on them is as clear as their message...
Tracey MacLeod
{K:3244} 8/21/2005
I like the concept but... the contrast is a little too high it becomes blocky and hard to read. I can see the main subject but would nice if you could read the situation more. Not really a stand alone pic as presented
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/20/2005
as in "take it with a grain of _ _ _ _" ? bahahahahaha
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 8/20/2005
A stark and somber moment captured and accentuated by the unconditional black and white and slight grainy texture. Excellent photojournalistic quality IMHO. Great work, my friend!
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 8/20/2005
.....give the guy a break, enough already, he's busy reading "The History of Salt" ...Come on now people......
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/20/2005
LOL...good and gritty harsh to some's minds,too! Thanks for comments,Paul!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 8/20/2005
Good and gritty exposure that is very harsh on the eyes.
kl puckett
{K:1202} 8/20/2005
Nice. I really like the blown out contrast for this image; it fits.
- -
{K:1222} 8/20/2005
very well done great moment excellent work tnx for sharing ciao barbara