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L e m o n B r e a t h
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Image Title:  L e m o n B r e a t h
Favorites: 0 
 By: AJ Miller  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer AJ Miller  AJ Miller {Karma:49168}
Project #43 Unusual Vision Camera Model Minolta A2
Categories Abstracts
Still Life
Film Format
Portfolio Splashes
Lens Minolta A2
Uploaded 8/24/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 768 Shutter 1/1500
Favorites Aperture f/2.8
Critiques 25 Rating
/ 10 Ratings
Location City -  Tarifa
State - 
Country - Spain   Spain
About Another in the series of lemons dropped into water. For an explanation of the setup, see the previously uploaded image "LemonExplosion".
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There are 25 Comments in 1 Pages
abuT naruD   {K:2796} 4/19/2006
dear John perfect.. good work..


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 10/13/2005
Hi Patxi! Professional? Hehehe! This is shot on my terrace with a big bowl of water and a Tarifa sky background!


carlos sanchez   {K:3631} 10/12/2005
muy buena foto,me gusta mucho!!!!! 7/7 es usted fotografo profesional?'??


Ferran Lacruz   {K:5466} 9/14/2005
Excelente imagen muy original llena de color y de movimiento propio.Muy buena
Saludos Ferran


Pankaj Arora   {K:3752} 9/11/2005
Hahaha funny title and very apt..."last breath..lemon breath." The line could be used in a spoof, hey that's my other passion watching movies(as of now) and i specially like comedies.

Nicely taken ..well lit and i guess meticulous work goes behind such shots. Congrats for such nice results.Little case of pity is the pixelization that i can obseve in the frame.I guess there was some problem while scanning or what i just noticed "fast shutter"



jasmine .   {K:626} 9/3/2005
interesting and well captured, would have been perfect without the reflection.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 8/26/2005
fantastic timing.. cheers


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 8/25/2005
getting better and better dear AJ!!!!!!! amazing shot this one!!!!!!! very well done!!!!!
my best regards


Hamed Noori   {K:6805} 8/25/2005
Bravo . very good image ...


Larissa Nazarova Larissa Nazarova   {K:12118} 8/24/2005
Great! Very creative!


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 8/24/2005
Cool stuff John!!!I love how You caught the air bubble just above the lemon!! Still in the same shape! the colors are super!! Very creative and unique photo! My best...


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 8/24/2005
AJ this is awesome...creative and very well it...:):)Linda


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 8/24/2005
I love your mini serie dear John! Nice presentation creative work! Bravo!
Best wishes!


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 8/24/2005
Ah yes, Ornella has some fascinating images and is currently on my Associates list. Whereas the Cookie Monster is not...


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 8/24/2005
Hi Sally! I'm no technical expert, but as far as I can see ISO is basically a third dimension (after shutter speed and aperture), and increasing the ISO makes everything happen faster. Which means that in the same conditions you can use a smaller aperture and/or faster shutter. But everything has a price, and in this case it is a grainier or noisier image. Does that make sense? (Did I get it right?!)


Sally Morgan Sally Morgan   {K:9219} 8/24/2005
I forgot to add - you've got a photo titled after you (it's on the 2nd page at the moment), and did you notice - it was posted that the blue muppet was the cookie monster - how could I forget that?


Sally Morgan Sally Morgan   {K:9219} 8/24/2005
I don't understand ISO myself - I know a higher ISO gives more noise, but I don't know why, and I don't understand under what circumstances you'd need to use a higher ISO - if you can explain it in very simple terms - I'd be grateful!


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 8/24/2005
Thanks so much for your comment, Sally. Actually, I'll probably be starting this all over again shortly (after possibly one more upload...) George Black alerted me to the fact that I might be using a low ISO setting, and on checking the info I found that sure enough, the camera was set to auto ISO and was not being very smart. I'm still not used to adjusting the ISO - a hangover from film days when I would whack a film in and be stuck with the same ISO for the duration... If this had been shot at 200 instead of 64, it would probably have been far sharper all round. AJ


Sally Morgan Sally Morgan   {K:9219} 8/24/2005
I don't know how you'll top this one for 'bubble formation' - I've never seen anything like it!
It's truly astounding. I reckon you should try a little bit of unsharp mask (or your PSP alternative) just on the peel of the lemon to sharpen it a little.
I feel really mean writing that - 'cos it might sound like I'm picking fault - but I'm not - I would be so proud to have got a shot like this - I really appreciate how much effort you must have put into it!


Janet B Janet B   {K:16139} 8/24/2005
One is better than the next! Great job, John!

(My daughter caught me staring at this and vowed she wasn't dropping fruit in water for me!)


Alper Tecer Alper Tecer   {K:7007} 8/24/2005
Good work! Nice presentation.


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 8/24/2005
Each one is nice in its own way.


George Black George Black   {K:102014} 8/24/2005
This one is terrific. The layers of bubbles are perfectly poised. Can't wait for the next ones!

Take care,


Lukasz Kuczkowski Lukasz Kuczkowski   {K:14687} 8/24/2005
even better tha the previous one; I lack a bit of sharpness here;
anyway, well done


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 8/24/2005
Perfect composition John , very well done .





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