Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 9/29/2005
Yes - heading toward colorado.
Morgan Estill
{K:3786} 9/28/2005
Wow! Wow for several reasons. I new this was NM before I even saw the loaction. Is this in Northern NM? It looks EXACTLY like a little house and mountain I go antelope hunting near! Besides that, your composition is great. Really like these scenes like this in NM. If you haven't already, this would look killer in B&W. (I'm still catching up.) Great work Michael. :)
Fadel J
{K:13974} 9/15/2005
Very beautiful scene and colors Michael, and just a perfect title!
Anthony Lound
{K:6661} 9/7/2005
Michael, this is great image, evocative to my sensibilities and my cup of tea entirely. It inspires me to try harder with my landscape efforts.
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 9/7/2005
Thanks - DOF is all about the F-Stop and hyperfocal distance...
Colors I have to owe to the time of day and some skill with Photoshop - I increased the saturation and reset the color balance and levels...
György Szönyi
{K:10011} 9/7/2005
Thanks for your good words about my Yellowstone, Michael. I am enjoying your landscapes immensely, and I recognize many places I also visited. It is fascinating to see again with somebody else's eyes. This is a perfect classic landscape with an unusually perfect DOF and colors. My title recommendations: "Outpost" or "Frontier." Cheers: Gy.
Rosario Esposito
{K:9796} 9/3/2005
very very nice landscape, optimal light. Compliments -Rosario-
Bart Aldrich
{K:7614} 8/31/2005
Your images have improved by leaps and bounds in so short a time. Look forward to every new one and new location!
I'm fairly well dead in the water here at UF, so I may be slowly moving elsewhere. Been loading more images there. You might like it, too. Write if interested.
All the best!
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 8/30/2005
It's lovely and sharp, the colours are very pleasing and so is your composition.
Luisa Azzolini
{K:1555} 8/30/2005
Nice image!
ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
{K:16316} 8/30/2005
Excellent photo ...
very well