Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 10/28/2005
Still? What makes you think they are still? Put it this way... to catch those two like this you have to be faster than them.. that is the trick. You are right about Jack.. he doesn't give a s*it but he is great at playing deranged characters and this is what we need here.
Kim Graziano
{K:2019} 10/28/2005
Ivan, Looks like double trouble to me. I have two little darling of my own & they are constant entertainment in one way or another. I applaud your ability to have them sit still long enough to get such a perfect shot. Kim
P.S. Nicholson is at least good at what he does & I don't think I've ever detected a tear out of him for not getting the kudos HE HAS AT LEAST EARNED. lol
r u t h d r io
{K:4339} 9/5/2005
Qué guapos son los dos...que bonita foto, y mira que a mi me cuesta sacarle fotos ami perro sin que sake cara de 1? comunion...chula, si señor
{K:42404} 9/5/2005
jajajaja!! que buena foto compadre!! estan increiblemente bellos, ya vi que el labrador ha estado metido en el agua como siempre lo hacen , jajaja!! y el grandote, pobre, tremendo caballo y todavía tiene cara de bebé,jajajaaja!!! tienes un corazón de oro hermano!! ?Y lograste hacer crecer la palomita?? Saludos a todos y Dios te bendiga
Claudia Perilli
{K:31090} 9/5/2005
Bellissimi!!! Una bella foto. Claudia