Huw Ge
{K:1033} 11/9/2005
Bryan, thanks for the tip and links, plenty to play with. Have been really busy, hence limited posting. Currently convalescing at home, so hopefully this gives me an opportunity to catch up on usefilm! Huw
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 9/18/2005
Wonderful scene, well captured ! Peter
Bryan Jarmain
{K:11941} 9/13/2005
I like the reflections and composition, and I think you almost got the technique right. The top of the tree could almost be lightened done separately using layers and masks in PS. See:- http://luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/hdr.shtml http://luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/digital-blending.shtml The second one works best as far as end results go - I have improvised a bit for items like your tree by selectively copying feathered parts to the mask layer and blurring them less in that layer - thus avoiding the halo effect...
Huw Ge
{K:1033} 9/13/2005
Thanks guys.
Chris, I hadn't really noticed the tree tone - I guess what I liked about the shot was the contrast between fore- and background. I think this would have been a difficult exposure because of light conditions that day - even with a handheld meter. If I get a bit of time I might experiment some more. Thanks
Claude Lussier
{K:4626} 9/13/2005
Wow ! Breathtaker, wonderful picture Huw Ge. Very nice composition.
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 9/12/2005
Def. a tricky one Huw...mainly because the small tree in the front extends into the sky, getting darker along w/ the rest of the image. You could try masking it out, but would be very t - e - d - i - o - u - s
Rossano Balloco
{K:963} 9/12/2005
Exellent tones and light balance. Perfect realisation. Great shot!