This is a bloom of the Datura, also known as Jimson Weed or Moonflower bush. They usually bloom at dusk, this one was was just about ready when I went inside for the camera, about ten minutes later, it was already open. A very poisoness plant, the ancient Indians used them in rituals, one was a ceremony to bring a boy into manhood. a tea was made from boiled roots, guess if they lived thru it they were a man! Glad I'm too old for that stuff! On camera flash and a flashlight for some warm highlights.
We would call it a leveright. I'll just lever her right where she is. Although, it may be the only thing I can grow in my yard. lol They don't call me brown thumbs for nothing.
Yes Ellen, same plant, the spiky balls are seed pods that explode when dry and spread seed everywhere, this one will take over quickly, so if you don't want it to spread, cut those little balls! Sounds bad. This one is also called Jimson Weed and the farmers hated them, imagine a whole pasture engulfed in them!
Cary is this the one you're talking about? My version of this plant has very big spikey pods/balls/seeds I have no idea what they are. They are the size of golf balls and have spikes all over.