City - Hopeman State - SCOTLAND / MORAY Country - United Kingdom
I make no bones about it I know I have posted a very similar shot to this before, although I don't think you will have seen it here. That slide was a superior transparency but a markedly inferior scan from a flatbed. Unfortunately the transparency has been consigned to the round filing cabinet due to a monstrous piece of stupidity and clumsiness that to this day I have been unable to forgive myself for. While cleaning it, I dropped it on the floor, then while seated in the swivel chair I promptly rolled the casters over it. Makes you wince doesn't it. Despite my complaints to Nikon that their ICE system failed to remove er! scratches they seemed unsympathetic. So this is a cropped down version that I use for slide shows and subsequently scanned on a high end scanner. Why, well typically this picture has proved enormously popular and the scan from the flatbed simply wasn't good enough to produce top quality prints from. Hope you enjoy it.
Hopeman Bay, Moray, Scotland a half hour before sunrise on a deserted winter beach. Pentax 67II, 55-100 zoom, 0.6ND grad, F22 at 8 seconds on velvia.